
  _/| Designs by Iris 72 |\_  

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Uploaded: 12/23/23 9:35 PM GMT
_/| Designs by Iris 72 |\_
Views: 80
Dlds: 37
Status: active

The Novellan Vampiress managed to "Pump Out" (excuse the pun) even another pair for the Holiday this year!

See Also: _/| Designs by Iris 71 |\_...


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12/24/23 10:54 PM GMT
I'm a huge fan of B&W marvelous! tigs=^..^=
0∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
12/26/23 8:48 PM GMT
Love this Ron!!! Merry Christmas......past:):) and Happy New Year. Love your work here:)!!
0∈ [?]

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