
  "Robotika Automania"  

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Uploaded: 02/19/24 11:53 PM GMT
"Robotika Automania"
Views: 119
Dlds: 44
Status: active

---As most of you have been seeing (or experiencing), the price of fast food has skyrocketed, due to newer legislation regarding minimum wages - especially in these types of establishments! As a result, many have decided to forget about the trip to their favorite quick eateries, and make something similar (and much cheaper) at home...

...Therefore, in the last couple of years, corporate and franchise owners have decided to reduce their operating cost with investments in fully automated stores, often serving everything the chain offers 24 hours a day... Even with the high-tech maintenance involved, they still can generate incredible profits by simply reducing the labor force by 85% to 90% with AI controlled robots and machinery that never take breaks!

---Artopolis-Based "Burger Stooge" is no exception, with the chain having set up no less than four corporate fully automated stores strategically scattered all over Mess County, with the one seen above located in northwestern Spiderdale (See Map)... With just these four, the chain has managed to turn over huge profits, and even now actually have lowered the prices of items served at these particular locations - and now patronage is gong back up as a result! This is often what happens in business life these days...

See Also: Flippin' Attitude 11...


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02/20/24 1:10 PM GMT
A very good narrative, and a very creative work. tigs=^..^=
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
05/15/24 1:56 PM GMT
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