
  "Drivin' This Cray-zee" - DC - "The Other Ones"  

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Uploaded: 03/02/24 11:48 AM GMT
"Drivin' This Cray-zee" - DC - "The Other Ones"
Views: 66
Dlds: 35
Status: active

"...And WHO says there's no Republicans in DC?" - NIKKI HALEY

---Shhh! Better not let "Radar Ears" hear that! :P

...Next stop on the Campaign Trail...

See Also: "Drivin' This Cray-zee" - ID, MO - "The Other Ones"...


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03/02/24 12:46 AM GMT
Good job once again! :) tigs=^..^=
0∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫

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