OMG, that Freddie-look-alike can sure dance. Six minutes and forty-four seconds. Heck, I'm usually wondering where my table is after a minute twenty! Love his house shoes/slippers.
There are good Tox1c TeeVees and bad Tox1c TeeVees. When I was in college, yes decades ago, the big Time Magazine articles were concerned that TV would corrupt our youth. Who would have guessed that it would be a phone?
John: Those are NOT slippers - Those are my rugged, everyday, budget-priced Under Armor Charged Assert Low Tops, the only shoes that will accommodate my big, wide feet - including the insert for the partially amputated left... I have slippers, but certainly do not dance in them! :P
As for television, I watch a lot of movies on Netflix, Amazon, and Disney...I don't care for the News, Blatant Infidelity, nor the "Who's ya Baby Daddy?" garbage... :P