
  Here comes Jacky with a pattern  

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Uploaded: 11/29/05 10:26 PM GMT
Here comes Jacky with a pattern
Views: 4903
Dlds: 841
Status: active

As by many requests I post this rework of my Jack of Hearts contribution to the Caedes deck. This time there is a pattern, I'm sure. If you like it better this time, I'm not sure. Let me know will you?


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11/29/05 11:09 PM GMT
All the cards are so great ... If I only knew how you guys make such miracles ...
BTW Yours, Paul, and Ann's [Morwyn] are the best for me.
0∈ [?]
With all my love and respect, Marzena
11/29/05 11:13 PM GMT
Thanks Marzena,
b.t.w. I must say that the quality of the red colors is pretty much decreased if I compare this to the original on my PC. Oh well, but Jacky still looks goods I guess.
0∈ [?]
If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
11/30/05 12:06 AM GMT
I think I liked the original (no pattern) better- but this still looks great. Just wish I knew what that rag was... :)
0∈ [?]
11/30/05 1:41 AM GMT
Hey there Paul....I like the original better..I like how it emphasizes the Jacky image...with the very vivid makes the hearts and "J" pop out at ya...This one is fine, but the first one is my choice...then again..I would always choose ALL of your cards...if ya made the whole deck..wouldn't that be fun?!!
0∈ [?]
My part is to improve the present moment.....
12/13/05 6:32 PM GMT
Hi Paul, i like it but its a case of yes and no, the pattern that u have used is a bit too strong for me, perhaps if u were to fade it slightly so that the J and the hearts jump out a wee bit more. progression in my book, nice work :~)
0∈ [?]
Beware the anti-cinnamon stare!!!

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