
  Caedes Time  

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Uploaded: 04/06/06 8:28 PM GMT
Caedes Time
Views: 6900
Dlds: 2133
Status: active

Psssssst, hey you, YES YOU! You buy nice watch yes? Original CAEDES quality watch, only 10 been hand made in Holland! You buy now yes? You my friend, me make special price for you, yes? Only 200 dollar for you my friend, Ok? No??? Ok, ok, .....100 ? No??? Ok, ok, .....50 ? No??? Ok, ok, .....25 ? .......


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04/06/06 10:01 PM GMT
Dang Paul, will ya stop making your photos so disturbingly clear...and sharp... and purty? I tried to put the bloomin thing on!. Sheesh man, Give me a break! Shame, sending me a watch I can't wear. Bye!
P.S. 10/10 's
0∈ [?]
04/06/06 10:10 PM GMT
I have a much better price for you can sell it to me ....for free!!!! yes, a privilege my friend...lolol.....what a wonderfully clever idea as well as a sharp image. Easy to read..that is what this old lady needs ! :~)
0∈ [?]
04/06/06 10:38 PM GMT
A great and original job...high, lofty; noble, grand.....10/10
0∈ [?]
04/07/06 12:07 AM GMT
25$ ?!?!?! for a watch? :) very well done it would have been even better if there weren't any scratches on the watch and it was new but otherwise very well done and keep it up
0∈ [?]
Keep your eyes open there will always be a challenge to tackle
04/07/06 12:30 AM GMT
Wow! Mastery of Photoshop and manipulation. Very realistic
0∈ [?]
"It's far more impressive for others to notice your good qualities without your help."
04/07/06 5:06 AM GMT
Nice Manipulation... nice and clear... very imaginative.... great work
0∈ [?]
"A sense of humour is as important to life as shock absorbers to a car.. It helps us over the bumps im life" / P.K. Shaw
04/07/06 7:10 AM GMT
Crackin'!.... I love it!.... well done for ingenuity my friend....focus is crystal too!
give you 2 Euro's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0∈ [?]
04/07/06 8:57 AM GMT
Great.. where can I send my order? Lifetime guarantee? Very nice and original. Great work
0∈ [?]
Live every day as if it's your last... and take pictures of it ;)
04/07/06 10:52 AM GMT
Well done Paul, it’s an excellent idea and superbly executed. You might have this years favourite Christmas present. I hope you can keep up with the demand.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
04/07/06 3:28 PM GMT
Like they said above great photoshop work.

0∈ [?]
04/07/06 4:15 PM GMT
Sharp and creative...that about sums it up Paul! Oh yeah and I'll take one ladies version watch in pink please...thank you! ;0)
0∈ [?]
Every morning I will rest my arms a while upon the windowsill of heaven, gaze upon God, and with that vision in my heart turn strong to meet my day.
04/09/06 12:39 AM GMT
it looks good to me. i'd buy one. now you're a designer. is there anything you can't do? jen
0∈ [?]
04/09/06 2:09 PM GMT
Very nice manipulation idea. A wonderful image.
0∈ [?]
View the world with your mind's eye. Mr. Russ
04/10/06 1:31 AM GMT
LOL great job!
0∈ [?]
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
04/17/06 11:58 AM GMT
Terrific image and story
0∈ [?]
06/09/06 3:18 PM GMT
Haha! Looks good.
Great photoshoppin' by the way LOL!
Good work!
0∈ [?]
04/03/08 1:04 PM GMT
care este faza tare??
0∈ [?]
09/30/08 12:53 AM GMT
LOL sounds just like Chinatown in NY, NY! Very Cool!
0∈ [?]
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better" - Albert Einstein - Rules are for those who always follow the rules; there are no rules in photography because this isn't a game but an art! :P -Me-
12/16/09 5:35 AM GMT
like it so much...great jop
keep it up ...
good luck ^_^
0∈ [?]

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