
  Image Retouching For Beginners  

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Uploaded: 12/03/08 8:01 PM GMT
Image Retouching For Beginners
Views: 3479
Dlds: 733
Status: active

This tut is to help beginners along the process of retouching images in Cs2, I did my best to explain most things and go into detail. Credit for the images used is in the tut, and please Excuse any crappy Spelling :p If you have any Questions about it Email can be found At the end of the tutorial. Thanks.


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12/04/08 12:30 AM GMT
I have PS 4.0 Elements.I am going to have a good look at this and perhaps learn something.
0∈ [?]
12/04/08 4:33 AM GMT
Phil, thanks for posting this. It should help many of our photographers here at Caedes. Well presented, concise, and clear.
0∈ [?]
12/04/08 11:14 PM GMT
A very well done tutorial and very useful.
0∈ [?]
12/06/08 2:14 AM GMT
Nice layout, should work , I dont know , I dont use PS
0∈ [?]
Just a photographer no artist, I capture what I see :)
12/07/08 7:58 PM GMT
Saved it to my Tutorial file...well done and easy to understand:)
0∈ [?]

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