
  Sun Burst  

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Uploaded: 04/17/05 1:01 PM GMT
Sun Burst
Views: 7451
Dlds: 2947
Status: active promised hope, shining through the infinite darkness...the sun's powerful rays capture your eyes and heart with their overwhelming optimism, obliterating the melancholy of your despondent soul...


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04/17/05 1:40 PM GMT
This is beautiful,Fae.Lovely fractal and poem.Well done.
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Carpe diem....
04/17/05 1:42 PM GMT
Thanks Joost :D
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PrettyFae x...Spread the Passion...
04/17/05 3:16 PM GMT
Fae!! You've just been pheonmenal lately. This is really freaking good. May favs are gonna look like an "Ode To Fae" if you keep this up. Really fantastic colors. The little bit of white behind it really makes it all pop too.
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There's an emptiness inside her and she'd do anything to fill it in. Though it's red blood bleeding from her now, it's more like cold blue ice in her heart. She feels like kicking out all the windows and setting fire to this life. She could change everything about her using colors bold and bright, but all the colors mix grey. ~*DaveMatthewsBand*~
04/17/05 3:17 PM GMT
Lol...thanks :D
*Ode To Fae*...hmm..sounds good to me! ^__^
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PrettyFae x...Spread the Passion...
04/17/05 3:23 PM GMT
Wow, Fae. Awesome. Maybe a little bright for my desktop - but a marvelous fractal nonetheless. What program are you useing to kaleidoscope these?
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04/17/05 3:26 PM GMT
Just Ultra Fractal...I was looking on Photoshop for a kaleidoscope feature, but either I'm just not looking in the right place or there isn't one ^_^
Thanks for the comment, Nathan!
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PrettyFae x...Spread the Passion...
04/17/05 4:33 PM GMT
This one is stunning..nice color and design...well done
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But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think and smile. Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind.
04/17/05 8:12 PM GMT
Thankyou Lori and Mario ^_^
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PrettyFae x...Spread the Passion...
04/21/05 11:48 PM GMT
Great job love the inctricate designs in that. 10
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04/23/05 8:27 AM GMT
wonderful colors in this one.. a bit busy for my desktop, but thats mere opinion.. its more complex than the thumbnail shows.. details are quite intracate.. very nicely done..

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And everytime I feel that my lifes a waste.. I just cant rid myself of your bitter taste.. - Me (Option21)
04/23/05 8:46 AM GMT
Thanks :D
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PrettyFae x...Spread the Passion...
04/27/05 10:24 PM GMT
Love the design! and the colors are neet to!
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08/01/05 4:04 AM GMT
This looks great! How did you make it? Great choice of colors!
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08/01/05 9:34 AM GMT
Thanks Lou, Andrew...this was made with UltraFractal using the kaleidoscope filtre thingy ;]
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08/14/05 8:52 PM GMT
Wow love the colours this really brightened up my day thanks
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08/27/05 11:15 PM GMT
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11/24/07 9:17 PM GMT
Very nice and vibrant!

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"Judge not lest ye be judged" Matthew 7:1
01/13/08 8:11 PM GMT
This is a beautiful design :D I especially love the color choice.
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