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Uploaded: 08/18/05 5:10 PM GMT
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Status: active

The forth and last in my Elemental Faeries series...hope you enjoyed them all ^_^...PrettyFae x


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08/18/05 6:18 PM GMT
Fae this is so beautiful. There is no way I could choose a favorite from this series. Your talent is amazing!
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"Little dreams cost the same as big dreams, so why not dream big"?
08/18/05 6:47 PM GMT
This is really nicely done. I have a bunch of water shots of my own. It has given me ideas to add a little something to them to make a more interesting desktop. The only thing, is that it is difficult to read the word water. I like the print it goes well with the picture. Maybe you could have brought it out a little more, perhaps lighten it. It's kind of dark up in that left top corner. Just my opionion. I still think it's great!
0∈ [?]
08/18/05 7:04 PM GMT
oh my gosh.........this is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!! this is......wait.....i dont know! i cant pick a favorite because they are all so pretty and AMAZING!!!! i looooooved this series 10/10 again for me and i love your stuff!!!! have a great day! (^_^)
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08/18/05 7:05 PM GMT
Thanks Lauren, Daybreakteacher, Peanut ^_^
0∈ [?]
08/18/05 8:19 PM GMT
This is an interesting concept, but for me, the fairy looks a little out of place. The style of art of the fairy doesn't match with the photographic image of the water. Just my oppinion though, nice work
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"The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it." -Chinese Proverb
08/18/05 8:21 PM GMT
Hehe thanks Dave...yeah she does look a bit out of place there...but I really couldn't be bothered to draw my own background :P
0∈ [?]
08/18/05 9:03 PM GMT
It looks just wonderful.. Just the way she is.. She is an elememtal after all.. Each one has a photographic background.. That adds to the mystical element of the images.. I have been a fan of fantasy for a long, long time.. I tell you, she works..
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One bead at a time..
08/18/05 9:42 PM GMT
well, the previous three in the series seem to fit their background perfectly.. but i do agree with Dave about this one... she looks great but the background and colors of it don't seem to match as well as the backgrounds of the others.. great job nevertheless, and it is a very cool series ;]
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click here for pure excellence
08/18/05 9:55 PM GMT
Fae, you have such a difinitive style. I like this one...a water sprite charming her viewer.
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-DFX - "Come away with me to a fractal sea where the digital dophins flow."
08/18/05 10:52 PM GMT
Spectacular! Nice, and refreshing. =0)
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08/19/05 10:27 AM GMT
Thanks Ann, Andy, Peter, Randy...sorry about the background V_V
I will try harder next time :]
0∈ [?]
08/19/05 9:39 PM GMT
OK. I think this onw is my FAVE! I really like this one alot Fae. Youve done such a great job on all the faries! all of them are in my favorites! You really should do more faires and angels!
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All things Bright and Beautiful; All things Big and Small; All things Wise and Wondeful; The Good Lord made them all! "Lotessa valla mela quanta le" May God's love fill you
08/21/05 12:01 AM GMT
nice work, Series is awesome.. and I like how subtle the text is :)
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08/21/05 12:11 AM GMT
Thanks Catalina, Mark...I too think the subtle text looks nice: I know some people are saying it's not very visible, but at least it won't cause any distraction for your icons ^_^
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08/21/05 6:32 PM GMT
Okay Miss Fae. Been waiting for the whole series. Earth, then Fire, then Air, then Water. All 10's. Brunettes in the lead of course. lol You need to be making money young one!! Oh, and my vote is for subtle text too.
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When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
08/22/05 7:52 AM GMT
Fire is number one, but this is a definite number two!
I like it that you used the foam of the surf as a background and not just some 'water picture'. It makes it different and not what you expect. And althought the faerie looks a bit out of place, she still belongs there. The expression you gave her is really cool and icy, I like it: gives a hint that, although water is a life bringing force, it is also something to be fearful of.
I wonder what you'll next project will be....
0∈ [?]
08/23/05 3:23 PM GMT
Really like the entire series. I like the wings on this one, them being different. Such a lovely image.
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I would like to thank all the people that cringe when they think of me. I ment well.
08/25/05 12:35 AM GMT
Awsome job!
0∈ [?]
08/27/05 3:37 AM GMT
I really have to catch up with you my dear FAe! This is more and more gorgeous! You are so talented!:0))!
0∈ [?]
08/30/05 2:22 PM GMT
Great job on this! I really liked this series, I like the text you use, what's it called? Great job!
0∈ [?]
08/30/05 4:44 PM GMT
Thanks Bj, Ashley, Sandro, LostinNarnia, Marou and Andrew ^_^
The font is called *Holiday Hardcore* :]
0∈ [?]
09/03/05 3:05 AM GMT
your images are so different and amazeing like this one.
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Look at me here I was I gave you a comment.If you love the shows 'Star Trek Vogager', 'Star Trek Next Generation', 'Star Trek Enterprise' and Deep Space Nine' please tell me.
09/23/05 5:46 PM GMT
great job on this one as well!
0∈ [?]
09/26/05 2:19 AM GMT
Just when we think you are done you come up with this gasper.Fairies are alive and blossoming in the land of Fae.Lovely work..Jim
0∈ [?]
04/03/06 12:38 AM GMT
this is my element!
0∈ [?]
08/17/06 1:06 AM GMT
this is great :)
0∈ [?]
12/04/06 7:46 AM GMT
Wonderful image. (This is my element, also). Beautifully done.
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Cheers -ArmyBrat ~~ A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. -Tao Te Ching
11/24/07 8:42 PM GMT
Very nice!

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"Judge not lest ye be judged" Matthew 7:1
09/13/08 9:44 AM GMT
Love it, just like the others elements you have done :-) Can you make the element light?
0∈ [?]

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