
  Storm on Naveen  

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Uploaded: 02/21/04 10:16 PM GMT
Storm on Naveen
Views: 6475
Dlds: 2538
Status: active

Not a breath of wind stirred; no thunder threatened in the distance, and the water was as still as a mirror. To an offworlder, the scene was serenity itself. But those with experience knew this was the calm before the storm; and for the unprepared, a storm on Naveen meant certain death...

More images and prints available in my Deviant art and Redbubble galleries. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS IMAGE.


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02/21/04 11:56 PM GMT
Wow, this is eerie. Might need a tutorial to go with it as you can guess my first question...
0∈ [?]
never give up
02/22/04 12:08 AM GMT
This is great. excellent job. and i assume it is a TG. and one of my favorites. man i realy like this.
0∈ [?]
02/22/04 12:40 AM GMT
Awesome job, Sam...definitely a D10F. Is your description quoted from a book or did you write it yourself? If it's the latter, you are in the wrong should be writing SF as well as illustrating for it. :)
0∈ [?]
Mary, the Caedes-addicted-BarGnat
02/22/04 12:45 AM GMT
Thankyou mum42, bigjon & Mary! Yes it is a TG, my favorite of about eight renders of this scene so far. Mary, I wrote the description, I am going to try and add a little "story" to all my TG's from now on. Look forward to the next "chapter" very soon (rendering as we speak!)
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
02/22/04 1:04 AM GMT
Nice! Not a typical TG rendering....which, is exactly what I like about it. The colors that you have chosen are very nice. Great job.
0∈ [?]
02/22/04 1:10 AM GMT
LoL a good pic and a story...a revolution is coming :D
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nil magnum nisi bonum
02/22/04 8:46 AM GMT
I really like this nice contrast , very soothing, leaves you thinking of a warm evening
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Clayton H. Bramlett
02/22/04 10:14 AM GMT
Very great job,il like the very nice colors and contrast.
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carpe diem.
02/24/04 4:22 PM GMT
lovely description^^
you did a great job here! def one of my fav of all your terragen works. love the light and ambiance here^^
0∈ [?]
02/26/04 10:39 PM GMT
Beautiful, eerie, surreal. Great job.
0∈ [?]
03/04/04 4:37 AM GMT
This is awesome. the mountains seem almost transparent. cool use of greens.
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caleb h.w. berciunas
03/23/04 5:33 PM GMT
Absolutely georgeous Nordic desktop!
0∈ [?]
04/08/04 3:53 AM GMT
looks like a human body's outline.. like an xray
0∈ [?]
05/11/04 12:48 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
06/10/04 12:35 AM GMT
I love the mood this sets. beautiful work!
0∈ [?]
Don't ever try to understand the situation.
06/20/04 6:24 PM GMT
wow how in the heck did you ever manage to do that definately wow'ed me on this one.....good work

I am the chi man
0∈ [?]
07/15/04 3:04 AM GMT
Very appealing pale colors.
0∈ [?]
12/19/04 12:41 AM GMT
Nice. I'm looking forward to next pics.
0∈ [?]
12/22/04 1:36 AM GMT
Oh, by the way: where's the reflection of the moon? I got a bit confused about that part. Other than that it's a beautiful work
0∈ [?]
01/31/06 3:33 PM GMT
haha, I love your description and wishing to hear the rest of the story...that, along with the dark serenity and scenery have me feeling the I browse through your gallery this week I hope I will learn more of this intriguing tale...great image...great writing too.:Pat.
0∈ [?]
The new year is full of time. As the seconds tick away, will you be tossing time out the window, or will you make every minute count?

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