
  Hiking Trip #2  

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Uploaded: 04/25/13 4:47 AM GMT
Hiking Trip #2
Views: 484
Dlds: 46
Status: active

Here is another one a little farther into the trip once we got down into the canyon. So 2 things that Im trying to get better with is, 1.) Sun reflections on tree leaves and large rock, and it creating just a white spot. 2.) Backgournd tree leaves, always seem to be out of focus and just a blur of green and off green colors. Still getting to understand the new camera. So any and all tips and tricks would be very much appreciated! Thanks!


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04/27/13 3:56 AM GMT
 Before I begin, I have no idea what level of knowledge you have, so some of this may be beneath your level.

 Woodland shots are difficult to do well, especially if you want to avoid blown-out highlights. This is largely due to the high contrast of the sky versus deep shadows under the trees (not that you have a sky in this shot). A circular polarizer can reduce some bright reflections, depending on the surface doing the reflecting. It will work on water, and it can change how bright the leaves are if you play with it. Overall I'd say you did a good job keeping the things visible. Nothing is distractingly bright.

 Another reason it is hard to make a great shot in deep woods is the business of the scene. So many little details can easily become distracting if you aren't careful. In that regard a shallower depth of field to isolate the subject can be useful... on some occasions. It all depends on what you're trying for.

 For sharp background leaves you'll need a deep depth of field (small aperture: i.e. f/16, f/22, etc.) but also a bright enough subject that you can keep a reasonably high shutter speed, especially if it's a breezy day. Looking at your picture at a full resolution though, I'm not sure how much better you could get. That being said, I have no idea what camera and/or lens you are using. Good luck!
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