
  The Port of Rotterdam  

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Uploaded: 08/25/05 7:54 AM GMT
The Port of Rotterdam
Views: 8331
Dlds: 3211
Status: active

The Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands, is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 11 crewmember on the International Space Station (ISS). The Port of Rotterdam, also known as Europoort (Eurogate), has been an important trading center since approximately 1250 A.D. This image illustrates the close proximity of the Europoort with the surrounding cities of Hoek van Holland, Oostvoorne, Brielle, and agricultural fields to the south. The presence of the port and its seawalls interrupts southward-flowing coastal currents, leading to accumulation of sediment to the south (upper left of image). Numerous ship wakes are visible within the port complex itself and in the upper right of the image. Credit: NASA and ISS CREW


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08/25/05 8:55 AM GMT
Amazing the photos these guys could get, thanks for sharing, interesting info too!
0∈ [?]
The way to know life is to love many things. .:Van Gogh:. Do you need an Angel?
08/25/05 1:10 PM GMT
Forgive me, please, but this is far more instructive than beautiful LOL
I printed the valuable and interesting explanation and set the image as a desktop and am studying studying studying ...
0∈ [?]
All of you, friends from Caedes, I GOT MY OWN CAMERA at last. Wait now ...
08/25/05 6:28 PM GMT
I totally agree with Marzena.. I do love it when you post these images.. I don't always take the time to thank you, but I always look and vote ..
0∈ [?]
One bead at a time..
08/26/05 1:01 AM GMT
awesome!!great photo!!! if you like this, also check out Google Earth view
0∈ [?]
09/18/05 12:37 AM GMT
Very very nice picture... Great shot!!!
0∈ [?]
12/02/05 3:58 AM GMT
Wow, i love pictures of teh earth from space, and this is no exception. The detail is amazing.
0∈ [?]
01/31/06 1:49 AM GMT
That is a Crazy shot good job
0∈ [?]

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