The first entry from Team-Evil-Crypt.... Cast in order of appearance...Photography by Avi and Tracy...Manipulation also by Tracy.. and expert (cough cough) advice supplied by Grim! :-D The scraps for this image.
very cool, looks like a scene from doom or something. I think a little soft wide rounded bevel in the layer blending would help the characters look a little less 2d.
looks a bit dark to me as well...didnt look that way last night when we were viewing it...
to go on and explain the reasoning in this one - as did Grim with Cabal - I was stumped for a little while as to what to do. I looked around my house and just could not come up with anything clever. Grim and Avi were requesting photos of certain things...and then it hit me...I live with 4 kids. Toys! Toys dominate my home. So, I wanted to make an image where the toys came to life. And here ya go. Avi supplied the background and suggestions - Grim stayed up quite late with me tweaking this one. I dont think it's exactly where we wanted it...but, pretty darn close. Toys, toys, toys!
yes, if you click on the word "scraps" in the description you can see what photos I made this image with. the flying ships are hot wheels toys, the figures in the middle are also toys, one Jedi and one figure designed my Todd McFarlen ( that one is mine...I love his work). One fo the buildings is a screw, one is also made from a computer part and the street lamp is...well, I'm not sure what that would have to ask Avi about that one. But, it's all stuff that we found around our house. : )
That is a nice idea. I understand now. I didnt really understand the first one of these that you did. Im glad you explained it a little better. That was a clever idea to make toys come to life.
I like constructive criticism. So dont be offended by me... I mostly I am honest so that you are honest with me as well. I want to know how I can improve.
wow, this is quite different than the others entries. lot of actions here, very dark and moody... looks like a video rpg^^. the only thing not really necessary for me is the sky... it take off the feel of being in a crypt or something...
a great team work though !^^ well done