ps7 - this one changed, changed again....and changed again. it started to look like one big, I scratched most of what I had and cut it down to this. still learning to use the tablet. ref used from -
Hi Tracy. Very nice, with just a hint of naughtiness about it. I like the color scheme and the added butterflies that adds an air of mystery to the image. Well done and 10 by me. Also on my hard drive. Thanks
The colors pulled me in on this one Tracy. Great tones. You know, I do hate it when my beads get caught on my wrist while I'm trying to hold up my curtain!! ;-o I suppose this could work for "Remember When" too. ;)-
Keep at it girl. I'm enjoying these. I see much more precision too. Sharp work. ;)
Into my favs with this one! I'm glad I check the "Illustration Archives"...or I'd surely miss this! Great composition...I'm sending a link of this one to a woman I know...This fits the theme of the band she sings for...Kudos!
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