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Uploaded: 01/22/07 4:02 PM GMT
Views: 1559
Dlds: 73
Status: active

Still experimenting with photos in Photoshop. This one seemed reasonably dramatic whereas the others have rather a flat look - I've found that an image that's fabulously grainy on the Mac just looks full of noise on my old PC.


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01/22/07 5:37 PM GMT
It does look dramatic and Cool:) very nice !!
0∈ [?]
01/22/07 7:02 PM GMT
I can't tell whether this one is fabulously grainy or full of noise on my 6-year-old Dell...but I love it anyway for the intriguing background and the white, white tree branches. I'm getting a new computer in a couple days and I'll decide then whether I love it for the grainy look or for the noise! :>>
0∈ [?]
"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne, Thassay so hard, so sharp the conquering..." Chaucer
01/22/07 8:09 PM GMT
exciting work, love the white effect and the bit of color in the back ground. kudos!
0∈ [?]
Love, unconquerable... Keeper of warm lights and all-night vigil... Sophocles
01/22/07 8:12 PM GMT
Ah I just love your attitude! I am also experimenting - its fun isn't it? This is a gorgeous manipulation of the trees and is an image I will definitely keep.
In my old days we used to buy really cheap east european b&w film JUST because it was lovely and grainy!! Great for portraits full of character. Sorry for rambling on - but great to see this imaginative result!
0∈ [?]
Life is not always pretty, but sometimes, someone smiles at you.

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