
  A Little Light Wallpapering  

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Uploaded: 03/19/12 7:26 PM GMT
A Little Light Wallpapering
Views: 2529
Dlds: 90
Status: active

Busy spinning new decorations for our desktop…

Photoshop CS5.

The logo was posted here for use as a template: Caedes Spider

The cobweb was something I did ages ago (in Paint Shop Pro 7?); I turned it into a Photoshop brush when I had nothing better to do.

Picture probably didn't take more than 40 minutes overall, though it was something I kept closing and coming back to.

Music: none
Mugs of coffee: none
Mugs of tea: two
Cookies: none
Piggins: one
Fractals: none. :-)


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03/19/12 7:36 PM GMT
I like what you did with the webs and the DOF.

For those that want to make their own version of the Caedes spider to share with us, you can find a better version of the caedes spider then the one refered to above, it is in postscript format at:

2∈ [?]
The work of art may have a moral effect, but to demand moral purpose from an artist is to make him ruin his work. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1832)
03/19/12 8:04 PM GMT
Boy, it is light!...hehe...and very beautiful!
1∈ [?]
03/20/12 12:45 AM GMT
Very nice, Tootles. Soft and subtle and well done. That's one busy spider. I always wonder though where his other two legs went.
1∈ [?]
03/20/12 2:04 AM GMT
Forty minutes and no cookies?

Wow.. didn't think it was possible.

... ...

Going forty minutes without a cookie, that is.


Really nice work, Tootles.

And as mentioned by Tom; aka Piner above ... the creative twist and incorporating some DOF on the replicated sections of webbing is a great touch.

Particularly, on the note of and strengthening (your) composition.

Adds that lil' somethin' somethin' extra, simply put.

The lighter colouring works surprisingly (to me, anyways) well.

You need to put your Kindle aside more often. ;o)
1∈ [?]
03/20/12 3:00 PM GMT
Awesome entry!! Best of luck to you in the contest:)
1∈ [?]
The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥
03/20/12 5:38 PM GMT
I think this is very good, I like the lighter format of this.
Tigs♥ =^..^=
1∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
03/21/12 4:46 PM GMT
Simply great, Tootles...creative, subtle, yet lots of interesting detail as well...well done and best of luck.
1∈ [?]
03/21/12 9:39 PM GMT
A personal Favorite and Outstanding Wallpaper. Can't believe more people have not downloaded this image. Looks great on my screen. Thanks for sharing. Best of Luck!

2∈ [?]
This Image GRABBED my EYE. That's Why I Stopped By. Thanks For Sharing ! Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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