
  Hunter's Moon  

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Uploaded: 10/19/15 7:24 PM GMT
Hunter's Moon
Views: 2142
Dlds: 1061
Status: active

Cats and kittens are all around you like shooting stars, but there's one in particular who really connects. This one's mine.

The Hunter's Moon this year is 27th October 2015. He makes sure we survive the winter.


- Used Photoshop CS5 and graphics tablet. No layer styles; no pen tool.

- I'm hopeless at drawing, so traced a photo of my boy cat (Icarus).

- Tutorial: Painting Planets by Cristian A.G. -- this was just for the base of the globe. It was too big and too plain when I finished, so I painted a random topography and cloud layer on top.

- The style and palette of the mooncat is inspired by NASA: Color of the Moon.

- The background (stars and cloud) is painted with home-made Photoshop brushes.

- I spent so long on this that my entire iTunes collection passed by, probably fifty times altogether... One tune played on repeat was Pachelbel's Canon. James Galway's is my favourite version -- the kind of track you turn up loud till the planets rattle in space.

- Five minutes after I finished this, Icarus reached up just the way he does in the picture. Think he was hungry...


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10/19/15 11:15 PM GMT
Your effort sure came up with one fantastic creation, Sandra I have already faved this. This really grabs at me, I love it. I really appreciate the effort put into this one. This would be a wonderful avie!!
3∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
10/20/15 4:54 AM GMT
Yay! Mooncat to join Suncat! Outstanding! Give Icarus a big hug from me and some treats! This image was worth all your work!

(Love Pachelbel's Canon in any arrangement of it)
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10/20/15 12:04 AM GMT
Me Likey! Faved...
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"Put up...or SHUT UP!" Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
10/20/15 12:12 AM GMT
This is something really special !
Icarus makes a fine subject. Such a lot of work - well done indeed !

I love the James Galway version of the Canon :) There is one on iTunes you may like by Noriko Oomura - a harp version, also very beautiful
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My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust
10/25/15 6:40 PM GMT
Now that is certainly different. As well as your name for a cat. Congratulations on your originality.
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09/29/16 10:53 PM GMT
Brilliant creation and that kitty is amazing - I added this one to my favs-truly gorgeous
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10/12/16 11:51 PM GMT
THIS IS GOOD STUFF! I tip my hat to you, well done indeed.

i dont remember this.
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10/13/16 11:10 AM GMT
Thanks Chris. :-)

"i dont remember this."

LOL... that's what I said on yours.
0∈ [?]

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