
  In My Dreams  

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Uploaded: 02/13/10 8:52 PM GMT
In My Dreams
Views: 383
Dlds: 37
Status: active

Taken during my summer trip to China. I can't remember where this was, but it was so breathtaking.


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02/17/10 1:22 AM GMT
The quality is very poor but its a beautiful place!
0∈ [?]
02/17/10 7:43 PM GMT
The temple is lovely and sharp in detail but to much tree in the way but still nice.
0∈ [?]
02/18/10 12:20 AM GMT
yeah i want to see more of the temple itself
0∈ [?]
02/19/10 7:45 PM GMT
I agree with Joanie. It would have been great to see a bigger resolution image of this shot.
0∈ [?]
If "Ignorance is bliss", then why should we seek knowledge?
02/19/10 11:10 PM GMT
I guess by poor quality the others meant the size of the image, not the quality of the picture itself. As for the quality of the picture itself, I love it!!!
I love the almost painting feel of the pic. Kind of soft, but colorful and bright.

Very nicely done! Keep it up!

p.s. If you get a chance, take a look at a couple of my pics. I'd love to have your comments, criticisms, advice, etc. on any of my pics. Hope you have an awesome day!
0∈ [?]
To take a photograph is to make a presentation of God's work. Do so Wisely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Christian Of Caedes~~

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