
  Parrot scratching its head  

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Uploaded: 06/15/11 7:54 PM GMT
Parrot scratching its head
Views: 1791
Dlds: 93
Status: active

A very fun parrot, photographed at my hotel near Santa Cruz de La Palma. Unedited photo.

This work by Floris de Lange is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence.

Please let me know what you do and don't like about my work. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.


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06/17/11 12:23 AM GMT
A wonderfully creative angle for this shot, with some fine rich colours. Unfortunately the parrot isn't sharply in focus, and because the shadows are soft it doesn't stand out as clearly from the background as it could. I'd suggest sharpening the bird a little but blurring the background more in Photoshop to give the image that extra little bit of zest that it deserves.
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I much appreciate all the comments I receive about my images, but please excuse me if I don't always reply. My interest in Caedes is exceeding my time available!
06/17/11 1:20 PM GMT
Thanks for your very constructive criticism. When I've got more time on my hands I'll fire up Photoshop and see what I can do.
0∈ [?]
06/20/11 8:27 PM GMT
I have loved this image since I first saw it - no idea where ... LOL
10/10 in VB tonight.
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With all my love and respect, Marzena

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