Saw this on home page and feel in love with this gorgeous capture, your cat beautiful kitty. He has amazing coloured eyes, does he play with the loffa? Right into my favs
Hi Amy ~ Clifford really is beautiful and I absolutely love this photo of him. So crystal clear! I love the coloring and subtle shadows in the background. Just a perfect shot of an awesome kitty. Saved, faved and sharing with my kitty friends! :) ~Teri
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments. Clifford is blushing over how much everyone likes him.
The only way he would stay in the bathtub was to have something to distract him from running away, he swatted it around a few times before striking a handsome pose.
Also, I feel like the added colour from the loofa pulls the image together. :)
Hello Amy....This photograph is in deed a brilliant closeup showing so much detail and colour in your pet cat...I also like how the picture is unclutterd and that you have filled the frame with your lovely subject...Well done...All the best Amy.....Mick.