
  Glass (Digital Painting)  

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Uploaded: 09/15/16 10:46 PM GMT
Glass (Digital Painting)
Views: 1867
Dlds: 662
Status: active

I'm back (again). Fully into digital painting, now, in Photoshop. Still in the learning phase, but getting there. I started learning to paint (properly) in Photoshop, in March 2016, and created this in April. Having a decent graphics tablet really helps!


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09/15/16 11:08 PM GMT
Suffice to say..

+fav for me.
1∈ [?]
09/15/16 11:13 PM GMT
Nice photo.

Bit plain, though.. doncha' fink?

1∈ [?]
09/16/16 4:40 AM GMT
I don't know anything about digital artwork, but if this was produced by painting, it is amazing.
1∈ [?]
10/06/16 1:00 AM GMT
This is some excellent digital painting. You well on your way!
1∈ [?]
10/20/16 5:19 PM GMT
(Tootles is too stunned to speak). Had to fave this. :-)
1∈ [?]
01/25/19 10:37 AM GMT
Incredible skills... and you are in the learning phase? Wow... very impressed.
1∈ [?]
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