Human are another of god beautiful creation only that we as human choose to destroy the beauty that had been bestowed upon us. When will we realised that life without god is a life that leads to self-destruction.
Rather an accusative message for a board dedicated to talking about a pretty picture. The world, atheists, agnostics, and believers shall continue to its proper terminus. God's great experiment in humanity shall serve its purpose exactly as it was meant to. Embrace humanity, for it is God's one gift to us denied to the other creatures of the land, and allow those who embrace it differently than yourself to explore their existence in their own way. May God bless you with the courage to change the things you can, the serenity to accept the things you cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.
the very site of somthing so marvolous warrants only on thought.
who or what created all of this. was it a freak combusion of atoms...or...somthing much more complex.
A couple of thoughts...The image we are looking at is enhanced so as to make otherwise unintelligible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye; i.e., were we to be there looking at this galaxy (note: only one "x" in galaxy), we wouldn't see such a colorful display. Ironically, with respect to God, let people believe what they want.
It's interesting how when faced by something awe-inspiring like this, something so impossibly large and beautiful and untouchable, people always go to the polar extremes of faith - religion or atheism. Who cares what you see when you look at this? Just agree its beautiful. Personally i believe it is, like the rest of the universe, formed by stars, formed by the Big Bang. But if you want to give credit to a God (or any benevolent, omniescent sentience) go right ahead.
One thing is for sure, we are so impossibly small and infitesimal in comparison to the rest of the universe it its laughable. Things like this really put everything in perspective. Personally i don't believe in God as such, but if there is an afterlife, i would like it to allow me to fly (hopefully much faster than light) through the universe and see for myself the freakin awesome beauty!!
One of the smallest signs of God's power.
I think that almost everyone who sees this image, despite his/her age, gender, culture, race, religion,etc., will say one thing: God.
Very nice.
Just because a blind man can't see a sunset... does that mean there are no sunsets?
You can't see the wind but you know it's there. God is everywhere!