
  basic anim8or introduction  

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Uploaded: 02/11/09 11:42 PM GMT
basic anim8or introduction
Views: 2863
Dlds: 290
Status: active

anim8or is a free 3d animation and modelling program.which can be downloaded from used it quite extensively to create objects/images which i integrated into my pictures.[see my gallery] I have tried to make it straight forward and do away with the technical labels for things which will slow the novice down. play and investigate.


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02/12/09 4:09 AM GMT
Aye cap'n! Thank you! Now I just need to find some time to see if I can have a little fun with this info.
0∈ [?]
What ever happened to the good ol' days?
02/12/09 6:03 AM GMT
THANK YOU! I downloaded this program awhile ago, but haven't been able to make much sense out of it! I love what you do with this program! Wen
0∈ [?]
02/12/09 9:14 AM GMT
Thanks for sharing some of your knowledge with us. Like BarnArt all that is left for me to do is find some time...
0∈ [?]
When you're through with life and all hope is lost. Hold out your hand 'cos friends will be friends - right till the end.
02/12/09 2:01 PM GMT
your welcome peeps, hope it is useful,i have been wanting to write a tutorial for a while but have been busy.
i have benefitted enormously from the tutorials of others here at caedes.
writing the tute was more difficult than i imagined it would be
and am hoping that no crucial instruction has been left out.
please tell me if you get stuck.

0∈ [?]

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