
  Making Sense of It  

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Uploaded: 04/20/24 5:59 AM GMT
Making Sense of It
Views: 157
Dlds: 56
Status: active

Winning at chess is like winning a staring contest with a cat.

I like the moment when I break a man's ego.
Bobby Fischer

It was like when you make a move in chess and just as you take your finger off the piece, you see the mistake you've made, and there's this panic because you don't know yet the scale of disaster you've left yourself open to.
Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go

It's an entire world of just 64 squares. I feel safe in it. I can control it; I can dominate it. And it's predictable. So, if I get hurt, I only have myself to blame.
Walter Tevis, The Queen's Gambit

I don't always make the best chess moves, but when I do, I make them in my head after the game is over.

U Can't Touch This, M.C. Hammer

Eye Of The Tiger, Survivor

The Queen's Gambit, Tina Guo & Rusanda Panfili


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04/20/24 11:45 AM GMT
Oh my how darn unique and very well done, with superb music links, and quotes-love it! Tigs♥ =^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
04/20/24 4:40 PM GMT
This is priceless, what an imagination you have!!! Bravo, everything presented is original and a thrill to view.
2∈ [?]
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

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