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Uploaded: 04/29/03 4:08 AM GMT
Views: 3580
Dlds: 1195
Status: active

Description? Ummm.... a green fern with a lot of blurry ferns in the background that are also green. ;-)


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04/29/03 7:26 AM GMT
Did you know that you can eat those? The tips are the best because they have less cellulose than the older parts of the leaf. I know this because I was marooned in Arkansas for 3 years.
0∈ [?]
04/29/03 1:08 PM GMT
I did not know that.... neither did I know that you were marooned in Arkansas....

I will try to adapt my culinary tastes to ferns so that in my next encounter with them I will have a feast! =D
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- Beowulf
04/30/03 6:41 PM GMT
therefore you should eat leaves of ferns during 3 years in Arkansas? Thank you the American cuisine :-)))
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"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
04/30/03 7:07 PM GMT
I worked on your photo ' Fern' while darkening the background and while increasing the contrast of the main leaf. See ' Fern-2 '.
Tell me what you think.
I will erase the photo after your commentary
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"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
07/08/03 4:03 AM GMT
ahhh This wallpaper is just gorgeous....I looooveeeeeee plants and nature. Perfect :-)
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I love being a wallpaper junkie :-))
09/14/03 3:48 PM GMT
Great symbol of old New Zealand! There I've seen huge ferns, when I was on holidays for two months. I like this!
0∈ [?]
12/14/03 11:37 AM GMT
beautifully captured. macro rules ;)
0∈ [?]
02/22/04 5:39 PM GMT
I can almost smell the wildernesss...
0∈ [?]
.:Your life depends on how you see it; keep a positive state of mind:.
12/07/04 10:42 PM GMT
0∈ [?]

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