Very nicely done Eder and I especially like the way you have turned the image into a "long narrow". I'm not sure if it is because of the type of camera you are shooting or if you decided to crop out the parts of the image that are not value added. In many cases, including the entire shot image actually distracts from the overall impact and cropping this way adds only the elements that take it from an acceptable image and turn it into an exceptional image.
This image becomes my wallpaper for the day and gets a ten from me.
Thanks for sharing.
You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being.
- Hermes
Amazing clarity (was it raw format, I wonder). I certainly couldn't leave your outstanding photo without expressing my appreciation.You have offered a rare glimpse into the mysterious world of water sceneries. I wish you showed us a little bit of rocks above the waterfall - they would provide for a nice finish for the layer composition. Thank you for sharing, I'll be back...
This image becomes my wallpaper for the day and gets a ten from me.
Thanks for sharing.