this piece is fantastic. the perspective is nice, but i think what's most impressive is the lighting, from the shadows to the glowing center, as well as the bolts of electricity. i know how much work it took to make this, and it was very well done!
I like constructive criticism. So dont be offended by me... I mostly I am honest so that you are honest with me as well. I want to know how I can improve.
This is a mind-blowing image. You really get a feel for the raw energy. It's like the you can actually hear the sound pouring out of the guitar. An awsome piece!
It looks great, the light source coming from the sound hole of the guitar, just wondering if you would do something very similar with an electric guitar. That would look extremely powerful.
Dazzling guitar. I can see the energy being expended.All that electricity flowing from that white glow in the middle.Very well done creative work.So clear and such a stunning ELECTRIC BLUE. It's sizzling on my desktop. Mucho thanks!!