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Uploaded: 03/01/04 1:22 AM GMT
Reese Tutorial Page 1
Views: 4391
Dlds: 1055
Status: active

A bit of a monster PS tutorial this one.. 3 pages in all i was trying to find a good balance with details and ease of understanding.. but i hope this is something along the lines of what Reese was after...Page 2 ...Page 3 .... and view the Final Image.


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03/01/04 9:21 PM GMT
Great job Grim. I think I might find it helpful.
0∈ [?]
03/01/04 9:24 PM GMT
well sally... if you want help you can always ask me :D you never know.. i might be able to help.. im not a master at it.. but i know enough to offer the odd spot of advice.. and im persistent..
0∈ [?]
- "I dont have my own opinions, i just get them from the huge sums of cash i recieve"
03/02/04 3:11 AM GMT
Persistent or pushy?
0∈ [?]
03/02/04 5:37 AM GMT
Great job Graeme:-) Lot of technique well explained in this tute!
0∈ [?]
03/02/04 5:52 AM GMT
Thanks Darryl.. if just one person gets it i don't mind the time spent making it :D
0∈ [?]
- "I dont have my own opinions, i just get them from the huge sums of cash i recieve"
03/02/04 8:33 AM GMT
Top of the line tutorial. I think I'll have some use for it. I never understood quickmask before. Thanks for all the great tips. Sorry for not posting individual comments on all tutorial pages.
0∈ [?]
03/02/04 2:04 PM GMT
thank you Klas...i Think i might do 2 more tutorials. one specifically on quickmask and maybe one on magic wand.. as the power of selection is something that should be learnt about PS as soon as if i could have managed i would have made the tutorial fit onto one page... but i just couldnt make it any smaller than comments are just fine on the first one :D
0∈ [?]
- "I dont have my own opinions, i just get them from the huge sums of cash i recieve"

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