
  And so She was written...  

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Uploaded: 12/17/05 7:22 PM GMT
And so She was written...
Views: 12366
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Status: active

I just managed to squeeze in enough time after work to have one more play with the borrowed Wacom tablet! Im still getting used to it, but I think im in LOVE! I really will be getting my self one very soon, hopefully in a couple of weeks!


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12/18/05 9:54 PM GMT
I am following your adventures with the graphics pad and will be watching Avi's gallery for it to pop up there too. Just seems so much more natural to control and obviously it is if these are your first couple of attempts. This one's especially good and I like both these beings that spring from your mind. They both radiate power. The scribbled backgrounds make me think of some ancient alchemy that might have brought them into being.
0∈ [?]
12/18/05 10:08 PM GMT
Ditto on the above! GRIMalicious! Your so good it should be a law against it... :P The mood is great I just feel the eyes are a bit off for me. Not by much though. It's just my old critical self speaking. ;) (You know, the one that have no clue but lots of opinions. ^_^)
0∈ [?]
12/20/05 2:53 PM GMT
Thats quite unique. did this take a while or was it rather fast to do? either way quite creative
0∈ [?]
"Hmmmm....." - Aristotle (384-322 BC)
12/20/05 3:39 PM GMT
I'm not familar personally with this tech, but you've created an interesting cross-over between painting and photography! - Dave
0∈ [?]
12/21/05 11:59 AM GMT
Thanks very much everyone, this image took slightly longer than the previous image, but both were done in short periods of time,. With this image i took a little more time but at most it was 2 hours. which is considerably less time than usual! they are more sketch like and thats a direst result of using the graphics tablet, which is sadly returned now!
0∈ [?]
- 'Insert witty quip here'
06/09/06 3:17 AM GMT
this is nice... really nice.. keep up the good work
0∈ [?]
06/18/06 4:08 PM GMT
She is gorgeous! Thanks for intruducing the device too ( I never imagined such a thing existed! I will be looking for one now.)
0∈ [?]
Colors show After the moon I should go See you in June
11/01/06 7:19 PM GMT
Very pretty, I once (I beleive last year for an art project) drew someone very similar to the woman in your image...brought back some memories.

Great image!
0∈ [?]
[Wolfy][My Beautiful Lie..][</3] Feel free to email me!
01/28/07 9:45 AM GMT
Beautifully created, Great image, 10/10.

0∈ [?]
"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." --Socrates--

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