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Uploaded: 03/04/04 2:16 PM GMT
Views: 13041
Dlds: 5356
Status: active

Another Illustrator to Photoshop background...


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03/04/04 2:58 PM GMT
I just love u're work... can't I send u a photo of me, and u illustrate me ? :P
0∈ [?]
Nobody's Perfect, And I'm nobody :p
03/04/04 4:49 PM GMT
absolutely beautiful......whoa...i like it so much, i like the other one too, but this is so much better, u say u do this in illustrator? do u need a plug in for it or something? into faves & 10/10 4 u : {D
0∈ [?]
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our minds." - Bob Marley 1984
03/04/04 6:04 PM GMT
Love these things, I think b2 is my favorite so far.Great Job
0∈ [?]
03/04/04 9:09 PM GMT
Great job. really In my fav and 10
0∈ [?]
Sous le soleil, toutes choses doivent finir un jour / Under the sun, all things must finish one day ( Legolas Lord of the rings )
03/05/04 8:48 AM GMT
Thanks so much for your comments...

No plug-in needed...I just start drawing the left side (always the left for some reason) with the pencil tool, copy, paste, reflect, and align. I always use opposing colors so I can magic wand areas in Photoshop. I then recolor and filter (usually lighting effects).
0∈ [?]
03/05/04 12:15 AM GMT
Well done.Love turtles.
Peace&Respect Jojo
0∈ [?]
Living&Enjoying Life Nothing To Fear
03/06/04 10:08 PM GMT
This is quite exciting,it looks like an ancient carving.Very well done..The details the image is as a whole the colors and shading you chose...Great work !
Does this have a meaning?
0∈ [?]
Life is like climbing to a mountain, İf you look down youll be afraid to fall down, if you look up youll be scared of the long way you still have to climb; but if you only care about the place you are at the time; its the fastes way up.. -Pick a goal care about the place you are at- Cem Karahan
03/07/04 7:19 AM GMT
It looks like it would make the perfect intricate tattoo.
0∈ [?]
-- A one that is not cold is scarcely a one at all. - Strong Bad --
03/18/04 3:35 PM GMT
Amazing. Imcorparating the turtele and the pattern together make a complicated yet adictive and very appealing picture.
0∈ [?]
04/11/04 10:42 PM GMT
Wow. It has been a while since i have been around but i really like your stuff and look forward to seeing more.
0∈ [?]
"How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?"-Douglas Adams
04/13/04 2:33 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
04/23/04 8:51 AM GMT
Thanks to everyone for their kind comments...
0∈ [?]
05/03/04 12:00 AM GMT
This has no particular meaning...just something out of the back of my head.
0∈ [?]
05/10/04 12:56 AM GMT
whoa sweet. its trippy i like it.
0∈ [?]
05/16/04 3:25 AM GMT
Turtle island! Very nice design for the planet, the continent and even a tattoo.
0∈ [?]
05/19/04 5:39 AM GMT
Wohh, i love this Keltic art stuff! Did you create it using tracing reference layers in illustrator, or was it straight from the head?
0∈ [?]
The average human lives for just 4004 weeks.
05/19/04 8:30 AM GMT
Straight from the head...and a mouse that I can draw with.
0∈ [?]
05/19/04 8:48 PM GMT
love it meggie

0∈ [?]
05/19/04 8:49 PM GMT
joke hahahahahah
0∈ [?]
05/19/04 8:51 PM GMT
joke hahahahahah my friend told me too
0∈ [?]
05/20/04 6:58 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
05/20/04 6:59 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
06/01/04 2:31 AM GMT
Looks like a photograph of a mural or a henna tattoo. The lighting effects really make it look real, hence the photographic effect. I'm impressed. 10/10 from me, and congratulations.
0∈ [?]
06/03/04 7:12 PM GMT
finally... a turtle
0∈ [?]
that mesage was smashing, smashing indeed
06/04/04 1:56 AM GMT
Thanks to all for the kind comments.
0∈ [?]
...rob... Caedes Icons
06/17/04 11:06 AM GMT
Went to save this and I already have it on the HD.Nice work again Rob!!!
Peace&Respect Jojo
0∈ [?]
Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
06/24/04 11:26 AM GMT
Went to vote and found I had done so already, Must be time to say I like the turtle!
0∈ [?]
never give up
07/08/04 1:51 PM GMT
superb once again! great imagery.
0∈ [?]
07/22/04 12:30 AM GMT
Great work, very beautiful image, a nice desktop too.
0∈ [?]
Evelyn (sorry about my poor English)
08/12/04 7:48 AM GMT
Fantastic! You have such a talent to doing these! They are a joy to look at! Great work...
0∈ [?]
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. (Emile Zola)
08/13/04 2:34 PM GMT
Great work! Classical touch in this in some way...well Done!
0∈ [?]
" Get the birds viewpoint on life"
09/06/04 11:38 PM GMT
This is really cool. It would be a great desktop.
0∈ [?]
-Graceless intrusion... Are you sanctified in your judgment of me? -Someone else's fate We are deciding (abortion) -I can see much clearor now I that I'm blind -I used to think death was the end -John Petrucci ...†Carpe Diem†... My lonely image: Father and Son
09/12/04 9:00 AM GMT
my boyfriend and I were commenting on what a nice wall hanging this would make.
0∈ [?]
09/29/04 6:29 PM GMT
You say you got this out of the back of your head? Sometimes that's the best place to go for inspiration. You did awesome! Maybe you should go to the back of your head more often.
0∈ [?]
Time cannot be changed-- so don't mess up!
10/14/04 10:34 AM GMT
The Turtle Moves!!
0∈ [?]
"Feel free to point, stare, and talk amongst yourselves."
10/26/04 10:05 AM GMT
beautiful. this is my favorit!
0∈ [?]
12/04/04 4:03 PM GMT
very cool. i have the dragon one too
0∈ [?]
01/14/05 5:30 PM GMT
WOW - I love it. Of course I am a bit attatched to be that as it may. This is still a lovely piece of work. Very detailed and flowing. I also like the fact you mirrored it in the middle so each side is perfect.
0∈ [?]
"In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous." - Aristotle
03/24/05 7:58 PM GMT
Wow...this is exceptional!!!
Did you design this yourself? It's the colours, too.
*Love green*
Great work, well done :)
0∈ [?]
PrettyFae x...Spread the Passion...
05/08/05 4:37 PM GMT
Your style works, Rob. This is as good as the rest of 'em.

I just started paying attention to the illustrations and so on on Caedes, and you're definitely one of the best on here -- unless you count Van Gogh or Escher, but hey, they've got an unfair advantage, what with the whole "mastery" thing. <:
0∈ [?]
06/04/05 6:01 PM GMT
oowenaas is correct.
0∈ [?]
08/12/05 12:48 AM GMT
Can't believe I hadn't found this till now another awesome groo2k image
0∈ [?]

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