
  Lazy day  

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Uploaded: 06/06/07 7:19 AM GMT
Lazy day
Views: 629
Dlds: 147
Status: active

Picture taken in the zoo in Emmen (Netherlands)


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06/06/07 10:06 AM GMT
I think he needs to cut his fingernails !!! This is really a great shot. Makes you wonder what is he thinking ? I got the pleasure of voting on this one - I give it very high ranking :)
0∈ [?]
06/06/07 11:01 AM GMT
Glad he's there and I'm here.....Great shot
0∈ [?]
06/06/07 12:26 AM GMT
big teddy - nice
0∈ [?]
06/06/07 5:16 PM GMT
Cool, looks like he's eyeing your camera :-o
0∈ [?]
06/07/07 7:37 AM GMT
Ooooooooo I love this photo!! That cuddly looking brown bear is just begging to be admired!! He looks so "ho hum" !! You were sure fortunate to catch him 'posing'like this...nice!! Verena
0∈ [?]
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it that you can.
06/07/07 7:38 AM GMT
Ooooooooo I love this photo!! That cuddly looking brown bear is just begging to be admired!! He looks so "ho hum" !! You were sure fortunate to catch him 'posing'like this...nice!! Verena
0∈ [?]
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it that you can.
06/08/07 3:04 AM GMT
LOL!!!! Now this made me grin...lazy day ehhh? Beautiful shot!!!!!

ThE BeAn
0∈ [?]
06/08/07 7:03 AM GMT
WOA! this is an amazing shot!! very nice work!
0∈ [?]
I asked Jesus how much he loved me. He said "this much" then he spread his arms out and died.
06/27/07 4:32 PM GMT
Zoals beloofd; beautiful picture! I wonder what he's thinking...
0∈ [?]
Been there, done that, took the picture!

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