I had a 2007 version with just 2007 on it. Someone on dA asked if I could do one for '08 with the dA logo and I thought I would make one for you guys here on Caedes also!
92 percent American teens would die if Abecrombie and Fitch told them it uncool to breathe. Would you be in the 8 percent laughing their asses off at the others?
I was after a Minimalistic effect similar to my original I did in 2007. But I did make a PhotoShop Brush and Custom Shape of the logo so I will be adding it to future work also. Since a couple have asked so far I might go ahead and make one like this again with a brighter Spider. Should I include the 2008 or just the spider, what color would you like to see?
These 2008 Caedes Versions are the best for many of us to provide us what we need to know here. Also, if you try this you can see how people are dealing with these services.