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Uploaded: 11/05/11 6:04 PM GMT
Views: 2258
Dlds: 287
Status: active

A Bryce abstract, I worked long and hard on this one! I wanted to really make the colors illuminated. Hope you enjoy it!


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11/06/11 2:40 AM GMT
Love that shiny metal feel!!! You sure did what you wanted to do Renee. Outstanding creation!
0∈ [?]
11/08/11 6:18 AM GMT
I like everything about this except the composition. The metallic texture and sheen is delicious, the quality of depth and complexity draws the eye into the image. With about three quarters of the dominant lines/edges drawing the eye to the centre of the image it tends to lower the dynamism, freezing up the eye rather than inviting it to roam around. Everything else about this is cracking good.
0∈ [?]
It is not "The powerful attack the weak." it is "The fearful attack what they fear."
11/08/11 6:57 PM GMT
Thank you very much Joanie! Mythmaker, yes, I can see that. That's sort of what I was aiming for though. I do understand your comment though and appreciate the honesty! :D
0∈ [?]
11/10/11 11:44 AM GMT
Its so great to have you back. I have really missed your work.
Have a great day Renee
0∈ [?]
11/10/11 10:21 PM GMT
Thank you wsa34, I really appreciate hearing that, I didn't think anyone would miss me! You have a great day!
0∈ [?]
11/11/11 5:30 AM GMT
Great work . interesting.
0∈ [?]
Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
11/12/11 12:43 AM GMT
Thank you &prsmmagic! appreciate that! :D
0∈ [?]

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