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Uploaded: 03/26/06 7:58 AM GMT
Views: 661
Dlds: 106
Status: active

This was in my garden last summer. I used the "explosion" filter in Irfanview just for fun. Let me know what you think. Thank you for taking a look.


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03/26/06 8:46 AM GMT
These are such gorgeous flowers...CLematis, or Passion Flower...the colour here is just perfect. You did a nice job on this too. I would love to see this a bit sharper but this way it looks soft...Keep trying, and you will succeed..thats all in the learning and having fun..V
0∈ [?]
Each day I must take one more step, no matter how small or how large, but I must take the step.
03/26/06 10:42 AM GMT
The flower is beautiful, as is the color and composition. I enlarged it as far as it would go, and the overall sharpness id the same,JoAnn, so it was more likely slight camera movement, during exposure.. You might find, changing your ISO speed to 400 will help eliminate that, and give you a better shutter speed/lens opening combination, particularly in close ups.
I leave mine set there all the time, as the so called, noise/grain facto really isn't evident, and the results are almost always beneficial.
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03/26/06 1:13 PM GMT
I like flower photos very much. The purple is beautiful against the green leaves. Nice work! Is this flower in your backyard garden?
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03/26/06 2:24 PM GMT
Very cool effect! Sorta like looking thru Frosted Glass. Nice!
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03/26/06 3:15 PM GMT
gosh, thanks for giving little old me credit. you are so generous! Yours looks good. i like the pink within the purple. very nice. jen
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03/31/06 1:12 AM GMT
Amazing, i love this affect! Beautiful picture...
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Smile often, it makes people wonder what you're up to! *wicked grin*
04/06/06 11:25 AM GMT
Kia Ora JoAnn. I love clematis and I really like the way you have presented this one so beautifully :)
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Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadows. It's what sunflowers do - Helen Keller
04/07/06 11:28 PM GMT
Hello Johann....This is a very good effort.....Gray and overcast days provide great opportunities for flower photography. The lighting is more even and there are no shadows. Rain turns colors more intense. You can even carry a spray bottle to create rain droplets on the sunniest of days....A word of warning...WATCH THE it can really throw your picture out of focus....All the best ....Mick.
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