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Uploaded: 08/23/04 2:55 AM GMT
Views: 2880
Dlds: 662
Status: active

Canoe stored in an old barn in Creve Couer Missouri.


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08/23/04 3:08 AM GMT
Excellent use of ambient light and shadow. Excellent composition.
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"Success is getting what you like. Happiness is liking what you get." -anonymous
08/23/04 3:28 AM GMT
Thanks Tracy for the kind comment.So good to hear from you.
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
08/23/04 6:47 AM GMT
Really neat Jojo. Good eye for the composition on this one. Thank's :))
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Always, Mimi
08/23/04 8:10 AM GMT
Nice one jojo - I agree with camerahound - interesting composition - always nice to see original ideas
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...Recent work .......<-☺.|.☻->
08/23/04 10:40 AM GMT
Thanks Mimi&Kalen for taking time to comment.
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
08/23/04 12:39 AM GMT
This reminds me of my grandfather's barn in Tennessee. The image has a nostalgic feel to it. I agree with the others regarding the composition and use of light. Well done!
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"Even a fool is thought wise when he keeps his mouth shut."
08/23/04 2:13 PM GMT
It's a simple good picture, but when used as a desktop it makes your computer feel as if it is a box of some sort. Amazing jojo. Excellent.
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"The sceptics, like bees, give their one sting and die." -G.K. Chesterton
08/23/04 11:17 PM GMT
Thanks Rebecca and Matt.I'm in a rural state of mind at the moment.
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
09/07/04 2:25 PM GMT
Very artistic photo. I like how you played with the light :-)
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"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
09/07/04 7:10 PM GMT
Thank-You kind sir!!
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
09/17/04 3:02 AM GMT
i really like the high contrast in this image, and a canoe will always make me love an image, so you'[ll get a good grade from me
0∈ [?]
The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
09/18/04 1:51 PM GMT
Thanks Carl.I really liked this image.Did'nt get much play on the site though :(
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
09/28/05 10:22 PM GMT
I much more prefer this image of light and shadow than the other(s?) in your galleries. (You will have to excuse me, as I am sure there is at least one other that deals with this subject matter, but, I have not yet completed looking through your galleries.)

There is still more than enough present for one's eyes in terms of the play with the light and other structural elements, without being too 'busy.'

Very professional and I like the cleanliness of the image.

High praise for your 'eye' in seeing and then, capturing this photo.

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The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
09/30/05 1:59 AM GMT
I'm pleased you found it.
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
06/24/07 2:55 PM GMT
Looking through someone's favs and here is this. Excellent lighting and impressive play of light and shadows. This goes into my own favs, thanks!
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Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little. - Edmund Burke
06/28/07 2:26 AM GMT
Glad you found it Alexis!
Peace&Respect Jojo
0∈ [?]
Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind

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