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Uploaded: 06/07/04 8:13 AM GMT
Views: 12188
Dlds: 7374
Status: active



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06/07/04 8:21 AM GMT
It's a beauty! like the compositon and color.Nice job,Jon.
0∈ [?]
I support and thanks everyone.
06/07/04 12:50 AM GMT
Great color. If you stare at it long enough you start to see all kinds of things. I see a close up of Bugs Bunny screaming. : )
Really nice work.
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...rob... Caedes Icons
06/07/04 3:16 PM GMT
I like it, it has sort of a pen on paper feel. Nice work~
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~My select image - Summer Magic
06/08/04 6:01 AM GMT
This is a really nice, easy on the eyes image. Great job on this.
0∈ [?]
Cheers. It's kileychristine!
06/08/04 11:03 AM GMT
Kool image! I love the colour! Really nice as a wallpaper! It reminds me of a blueprint! hehehe Great work 10/10
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§ *Jack* §
06/09/04 1:00 AM GMT
Calm and serene. There's nothing like a nice relaxing image.
0∈ [?]
-- A one that is not cold is scarcely a one at all. - Strong Bad --
06/15/04 1:27 PM GMT
Love This Image, Please Share More of your work.
0∈ [?]
06/16/04 10:06 PM GMT
Awesome work! This is really great. 10 all the way.
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"I saw an angel in the marble, and carved, until I set him free." -Michelangelo
07/16/04 1:34 PM GMT
naice job i like the colors! 10/10 and in my favorites.
0∈ [?]
Didrik is my best friand!
09/11/04 6:03 AM GMT
Excellent! Definitely 10/10
I'm guessing some of that was drawn free-hand and imported to Photoshop?
0∈ [?]
09/17/04 10:42 PM GMT
Wow! I love the drawn quality of this wallpaper. Great harmony and composition. 10/10 for sure! ......
P.S. How did you make this, specifically? Did you actually draw it freehand and import, like ReDD said? Or was it enirely photoshop? If so, what method(s)? Please PM me back! :D
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"Egotism is just the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."
10/03/04 8:50 PM GMT
very nice job. Looks like a giant slab of marble or something
0∈ [?]
Theres no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people asking questions
10/29/04 9:07 PM GMT
its just like you took a blueprint and dripped water on it to smear the ink...
0∈ [?]
that mesage was smashing, smashing indeed
11/19/04 3:27 AM GMT
This is a great background. I like that it's just two colors and that it creates this beautiful sort of haze almost.
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I solemnly swear I'm up to no good...
04/28/05 5:49 PM GMT
this is a really smart image - well done jono - good job!
0∈ [?]
"Never stop seeking what seems unobtainable..."
03/16/07 8:57 PM GMT
very nice , Thanks
0∈ [?]
04/04/07 5:09 PM GMT
Its really cool and calm. I see a young woman with wings, and a grumpy kind of cherub too. LOL
0∈ [?]
11/17/07 5:04 PM GMT
This is a very beautiful picture. I love the colors. Good job!
0∈ [?]

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