
  full moon in cassiopeia [reshot]  

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Uploaded: 10/16/05 10:52 PM GMT
full moon in cassiopeia [reshot]
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retook the (not quite full) moon tonight and reworked the original star field using a more subtle touch to remove the dreadful noise in the flat black sky thus retaining the more delicate detail sizes and colours of the stars,and certainly less flair on the main stars of cassiopeia, hopefully giving a more realistic effect. the only compliant id have about a full moon shot is that the craters are less visible cos theyre illuminated by the sun from above and thus we get no long shadows of craters and within crater rims nor bright spots on the opposite side of the rim, couple of hours more and it would be full but later it was obscured by clouds, i was lucky to capture this :)


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10/16/05 11:06 PM GMT
Wow I like this peice, its very cool. Before I read your info on it I was like, "Wow! How did you get the moon in Cassiopeia?" Very cool.
0∈ [?]
Living life one day at a time is better then living life in anticipation for the next.
10/17/05 12:20 AM GMT
Beautiful! This is excellent for a photograph, it almost looks like something done in Bryce.
0∈ [?]
10/17/05 2:19 AM GMT
Man!! what mm lens did you use? Better yet . . . What film speed? This is an awesome image. I love the editing that you've done.
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"The sky is not the limit . . . the ground is."
10/17/05 4:00 AM GMT
Beautiful capture of the full moon Jeremi! I was just looking at it tonight wishing my camera was capable of shooting it, but you did it for me. Thank you :))
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~ Mimi~
10/17/05 7:23 AM GMT
digital cam, canon 20d : no film!

iso 100, 1/125th, f11, 200mm (x1.6 = 320mm)
sigma 70-200 f2.8
expose the moon as if it was a total field very bright daylight scene dont rely on the meter, effectively spot metering

quite a bit of sharpening and contrast added at RAW stage, cropped and masked in photoshop ... the moon in this shot is pixel for pixel off the cam

iso 1600, 10 seconds, f2.8, 45mm (x1.6 = 72mm)
sigma 24-70 f2.8
expose only for 10 secs otherwise the rotation of the earth becomes too evident in the smeer of the stars in short arcs at this maginification, look like straight lines when they are that short but if you imagine you exposed it for 24 hours theoretically youd get circles around the pole star

initially iPhoto LEVELS used to basically _crop_ off the bottom lowest brightnesses thus dropping the (hideous) noise out of the pic then photoshop used to rescale down to 1600x1200 thus each pixel in the stars is about 1/4 original area, no sharpening but slight blur applied to prevent the edges of the stars looking too digital

the noise at iso 1600 is only so evident cos the black background of the starfield is so flat. If the pic was a full range dynamic high frequency image say a day light shot of a forest the noise variations at this iso would be mostly hidden, how one deals with the noise in a pic depends on the pic, in other pics level filtering at RAW stage works better

In both cases large range bracketing finds the best exposure to bring out best detail without washing out the brightest areas

also your lens will perform best at a certain fstop (least flare and least abborations) so its worth trying a few different fstops esp on the star field

I found best focus by taking LOADS of throwaway shots which I previewed zoomed in on the lcd and then adjusted the focus ring till it was right. Viewfinder focusing and auto focus were wholly unreliable at these sorts of dimnesses

needless to say a tripod is completely necessary ;)

as ok as these shots are photo optics are no where near good enought to take the very best star/planet/moon shots so im defo going to get a nice newtonian or cassegrian mirror telescope and some tubes to attatch the cam

hope this helps
0∈ [?]
do acts of random kindness and sensless beauty!
10/22/05 1:22 PM GMT
Awesome, thanks for posting all that! :)
0∈ [?]
10/24/05 10:51 AM GMT
Verry Nice moon shot. I sometimes try it myself but don't got any good lens for it :(
Hmmm nice description, will try it myself :) thnx for the detailed information.
0∈ [?]
06/03/06 6:50 PM GMT
great shot, I think that it is better that the moon is not at full, adds the illusion of realism, like looking at the night sky with your bare eyes. good work
0∈ [?]
I hold it true that thoughts are things; They're endowed with bodies, breath and wings: And that we send them forth to fill the world with good results, or ill. That which we call our secret thought speeds forth to earth's remotest spot, leaving it's blessings or it's woes like tracks behind it as it goes. We build our future, thought by thought for good or for ill, yet know it not. Yet so the universe was wrought . Thought is another name for fate. Choose then thy destiny and wait, for Love brings Love and Hate brings Hate. - Henry Van Dyke.
08/05/06 1:35 AM GMT
Great photo. So clear you can see the textures on the moon.
0∈ [?]
07/31/07 4:26 AM GMT
i like this shot....its my new desktop for the next few days or so.... :)
0∈ [?]
04/15/09 4:50 AM GMT
I finally found this image again. Im very surprised the stars were visible in the photo that clearly, I can see all the magnificent colour. Great thing you caught this right before the clouds obscured it.
0∈ [?]

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