
  Queen of Spades  

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Uploaded: 12/26/05 1:22 AM GMT
Queen of Spades
Views: 6055
Dlds: 1023
Status: active

I'm so glad that I was dealt a queen card for this project as I had a specific idea in mind :) I was browsing though my vintage images of early movie stars and came across this one - it's Anne (or Anna) Held - I love the way her hat echoes the spade shape. I used a collage technique, as it's something I'm playing with at the moment. I'm not sure yet if this is entirely finished, or exactly what I want, but I'm not unhappy with it. Anyhow, I'm posting here for critique - so go for it!!


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12/26/05 2:36 AM GMT
I personally like it a lot. I think the girl herself is very pretty and I like how you she is black and white while the other cards are in color. The black backround brigns it all out very well. This was a really neat (cool) idea. Nice job.
0∈ [?]
<i>The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them.</i>
12/26/05 6:51 AM GMT
Nice work here. the images you have chosen for the colage all work together nicely. The only thing I would suggest is the red border arouund the card, I find the color a bit to vivid and detracts from the image, pulling your eye away from the card.. Perhaps a darker red, along the lines of the stiching in the center would help.
Overall though, nice work.
0∈ [?]
12/26/05 8:52 AM GMT
ITs a beautiful card..I love how the other cards go across the stitched area...its an elegant card...and yet even a bit romantic. I like the red around the card, but I feel the red around the spades itself is a bit much. It seems to take away from the flow of it all. If you took away the pinkish//whiteish...and the red line from around the spades in the corners, I think it would be much more sophisticated.
0∈ [?]
Let us keep courage and try to be patient and gentle.And not mind being eccentric, and make distinction between good and evil...VincentVanGogh
12/26/05 1:08 PM GMT
Wow!!! It's gorgeous just as it is.. Love it..
0∈ [?]
One bead at a time
12/26/05 5:52 PM GMT
I love the concept of the movie star for your queen, great idea ! What I find distracting is the red around the spades & the red background itself, if you made the background grey tone it would match the card image better. I would also like to see your collage cards a bit smaller, I find they have a tendancy to overwhelm your image, but hey, that's just me. I really like the red around your card, it gives it life.
0∈ [?]
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right.....Three Lefts Do ................. MY GALLERY
01/03/06 6:08 PM GMT
I don't think your corners need the distinction. Just the symbol you have printed on the beautiful mottled background you've already got. It's a beautiful victorian photograph and each of the other cards are filled with facinating detail.
0∈ [?]
01/06/06 5:48 PM GMT
What a unique idea for a playing card! I'm wondering if you are a scrapbooker? I used to design paper for a company, so I can appreciate the look! I agree with some of the others that the color around the edge is very distracting. May I suggest going into Hues and desaturating all the red around the rim? Honestly I think just greyscale would work for the edges. I love the color in the middle. Double points for the stitching!
0∈ [?]
01/11/06 3:22 PM GMT
this is a very unique and great creation, just back to the classics, excelent work
0∈ [?]
“Suspiros etereos se abrazan con un beso eterno” Enjoy My Gallery
02/11/06 5:48 AM GMT
Love it, it so perfect together, the muted background and the colored cards in the foreground
0∈ [?]
11/23/23 4:58 PM GMT
I like this one! Faved
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