
  Wings of the sun  

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Uploaded: 08/21/12 8:29 PM GMT
Wings of the sun
Views: 1189
Dlds: 15
Status: active

Didn't bring my SLR with me when going to work that morning, but luckily I had my SG2 with me. The quality is not that bad, but it is not that good either. The photo still works, one way or the other. It was taken at "Lammefjorden", Zealand, Denmark


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08/22/12 1:37 AM GMT
That's a beautiful sunrise shot. Excellent capture.
0∈ [?]
08/22/12 2:42 AM GMT
Beauty of a sunrise shot.
Have you thought about entering this in the Golden Hour contest? It would make a great entry .
0∈ [?]
I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. ~ Linda McCartney ~
08/22/12 4:53 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥
08/23/12 7:16 AM GMT
wow, you got some serious skills when it comes to capture sunsets.. love the angle, the colour and the feel of this picture. Get this in the contest, ASAP, mate!
1∈ [?]
"If everyone loved me, I would hate myself.."
08/27/12 1:36 AM GMT
It does work. Like how it turned out.
0∈ [?]
08/29/12 5:51 PM GMT
Thank you all for the kind words.
Alas, I cannot enter the Golden Hour contest with this photography (I don't know why, because it was not uploaded too soon or too late)...
0∈ [?]
I do mostly in nature shots, but like "experimental" manipulation as well. Drop by some time.

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