
  My backyard is a beach  

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Uploaded: 08/12/06 9:13 PM GMT
My backyard is a beach
Views: 322
Dlds: 26
Status: active

This is taken during my trip back in my hometown where nothing is calmer during the midafternoon than a breeze hiting your ear


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08/13/06 5:36 AM GMT
Wow, if you have a beach in your backyard, then lucky you =) I'd really love to see this at the larger resolutions (so more people can use it as a desktop) As for the composition, I'd suggest getting more of that peninsula-thing in the shot. Still a nice capture though!
0∈ [?]
Tomorrow might never be | When you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything - Doc Brown | My Gallery My apologies for often getting a bit behind on commenting - I will try and keep up!
08/15/06 7:59 AM GMT
Good shot I wish you would have stepped back more though in the shot.
0∈ [?]
Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
08/15/06 12:52 AM GMT
I like this picture, however, it would be nice if it were brighter and a little larger. I love beaches and this is a good one.
0∈ [?]
08/15/06 2:01 PM GMT
size, size... that's the biggest problem. there are so few who use so small resolutions anymore. Good image though. Clear sky and nice view to the beach. the horizont could have been a little higher though. The image seems a bit too dark too. I mean, where shoudl be pure white I see some shades of grey and so the whole piece becomes "distant"... Like I was viewing it through shades or something. After all I think it really is a nice pic :)
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