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Uploaded: 09/17/05 3:17 AM GMT
Views: 7619
Dlds: 3246
Status: active

Krakatau, Indonesia was the site of one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history. Credit: NASA


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09/17/05 3:31 AM GMT
An excellent image of Krakatoa, easily the worst natural disaster that we know of. The dinosaurs probably faced about a hundred of these all at once, but none lived to tell the tale. Thanks for sharing such a dramatic and fascinating visual.
0∈ [?]
No sense in being pessimistic – it won't work anyway.
09/17/05 10:51 PM GMT
Stunning view. Nobody could comment it better than Tracy. 10/10 both for the visual and instructive values.
0∈ [?]
With all my love and respect, Marzena
09/19/05 2:08 AM GMT
I really like this. Reminds me of the images I play around with at Keyhole. I even tried to tilt the image to get the 3-D effect. LOL (something you can do with the images at keyhole)
0∈ [?]
09/23/05 12:53 AM GMT
Anyone interrested in geology should really look this one up. Though Earth is very pretty covered in all it's soft green, it's still a very active, violent planet.
0∈ [?]
08/29/06 9:57 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
02/17/07 4:02 PM GMT
thats an amazing view you have here woah nice job ;)
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