
  King of Diamonds III  

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Uploaded: 11/24/05 6:25 AM GMT
King of Diamonds III
Views: 5494
Dlds: 1099
Status: active

Heres version 3, had fun tweaking it. the stock used for this version can be seen here. hope u like... i like it more than version 2 mainly as parchment does not carry the majestic quality that marble does. only compromise was the actual image is somewhat merged into the stone a tad too much. but i'm still quite happy with it as not too strong, which otherwise stands out too much. but anyhoo, comments/suggestions welcome... :~)


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11/24/05 8:31 AM GMT
You are really on to something here. I think you pointed out the weak point here yourself though. The illustration is too blended into the background, the other ones (that I liked the best) had the king in a darker shade of the same color-hues, and that gave the image more depth. I think I understand where you are going with this though. Perhaps the double polarity of the image will be easier to spot with a tad bit darker king. (I guess my eyes are getting lazy from old age, but I had trouble to see what the heck you had added in the top right corner at first... ^_^ I know you will most probably never have such problems though with the printed card so you could discard my point above just based on that...) Once again, kudos! What I wouldn't give to have the talent you have!
0∈ [?]
11/24/05 8:35 AM GMT
Perhaps it's not so much too much blended or merged into the background as such, more like too little contrast within the illustration part as I specified more above. I just though I didn't say it too well above.
0∈ [?]
11/24/05 12:22 AM GMT
I think if this image were done in some metallic looking color, like copper or would give it the richness it deserves, but as it is, its just too bland for that particular card.
0∈ [?]
My part is to improve the present moment.....
11/24/05 1:39 PM GMT
I still like the first one better.. This one looks like it's broken.
0∈ [?]
One bead at a time
11/25/05 12:57 AM GMT
I really like the way your going with it avi, i agree that perhaps the etching could be a shade darker to make them come in line with the contrast and dark tones of the very nice cracks you have! maybe embed some natural diamaonds and add some veins of gold or silver to it to boost the royal aspect! but i think this is my fave version so far!
0∈ [?]
- 'Insert witty quip here'
11/26/05 10:53 AM GMT
thanx for all ur comments & suggestions folks, i think i like the idea of gold veins etc so i mite do another version along the lines :~)
0∈ [?]
Beware the anti-cinnamon stare!!!
11/26/05 11:37 AM GMT
Just keep it on the low-key end like you have done so far and all should turn out fine. ;) (Or perhaps I'm mistaken? ^_^)
0∈ [?]
12/02/05 2:43 AM GMT
Love the shattered stone! Keep the age that's looking great. Your best working so far.
0∈ [?]
06/09/06 3:21 PM GMT
Stunning work!
Very cool and artistic!
0∈ [?]
01/29/24 10:05 PM GMT
It sounds like you've put thought and effort into refining your creation, and you're open to feedback. The California Pool And Spa Company LLC
0∈ [?]

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