

Click here to view at full resolution.
Uploaded: 06/26/04 4:14 AM GMT
Views: 8337
Dlds: 3824
Status: active

This turned out okay. Created with Fractal Explorer.


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06/27/04 2:21 AM GMT
Reminds me of the patterns on snakes.(That's a good thing with me) Brave use of brown.
0∈ [?]
I put tape on all the mirrors in my house so I don't accidentally walk through into another dimension. Steven Wright
06/27/04 6:27 AM GMT
Oh what a cool fractal!!!!!! Like to see different designs! 10/10
0∈ [?]
If you can not honestly believe that you WILL get what you want, you just simply WONT.
07/20/04 5:54 PM GMT
I love the depth in this one. I can almost feel it move down to the very depths. 10/10
0∈ [?]
Cheers. It's kileychristine!
09/05/04 2:47 PM GMT
Amazing fractal! 10/10
0∈ [?]
"USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population."
09/06/04 12:11 AM GMT
Thank you.
0∈ [?]
Et nos quidem iuste nam digna factis recipimus hic vero nihil mali gessit et dicebat ad Iesum Domine memento mei cum veneris in regnum tuum.
01/12/05 11:52 PM GMT
Wow, this is probably one of my favorite fractals here. What did you use after the Fractal Explorer? I've been trying to get something like this for a while, and wanted to know exactly how....
This makes a great background, thanks for posting!
0∈ [?]
"Why does mineral water that has 'trickled through mountains for centuries' go out of date next year?"
12/07/05 1:24 AM GMT
The colors are unusual, but it works.
0∈ [?]
02/07/06 7:06 PM GMT
Didn't use anything after Fractal Explorer. Just used Fractal Explorer.
0∈ [?]
Qui habet aures audiendi, audiat.
08/23/06 12:58 AM GMT
I like this a lot...
0∈ [?]
09/30/06 9:42 PM GMT
I love this! The colors are amazing...awesome job! It's goin in my fav's :)
0∈ [?]
09/30/06 9:46 PM GMT
~found on FI & had to comment~

One of my fav images on Caedes!! Coffee 'n' cream!! Purrrfect!!
0∈ [?]
Picture Purrrfect . A purrrfect world is what we all want, but, seems too unobtainable. If I've viewed and commented on your post, and you liked my remarks then NO THANKS is needed...just getting to see your wonderful work is thanks enough for me!! Also BIG thanks to all who check out my work!! I appreciate any and all comments & feedback!!
11/15/09 6:54 PM GMT
Great fractal! The contrast in colors makes this one!
0∈ [?]

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