
  C'mon ... Lets Picnic  

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Uploaded: 07/16/06 8:17 PM GMT
C'mon ... Lets Picnic
Views: 591
Dlds: 96
Status: active

The weather is perfect and I know this nice spot with a view. I've got the picnic basket loaded, the ice cooler ready and a table reserved just for us ... Don't be an "old stick in the mud" ... C'mon, get in the car...


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07/16/06 9:12 PM GMT
Picnic? There? Count me in! Great composition, color and beautiful landscape!
0∈ [?]
The art of photography is to make that which seems unbeautiful, beautiful ~Jennifer Barton~
07/16/06 9:24 PM GMT
What a wonderful view... who would ever want to leave?
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07/16/06 11:30 PM GMT
Wow, that is a beautiful view! Can I tag along?
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07/16/06 11:37 PM GMT
Of course me and Boo boo are coming too ..
What a view !!!
Thanks and most scenic congratulations !!!
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With all my love and respect, Marzena
07/17/06 2:14 PM GMT
I am on my way, It is so nice and green there, here, it is all brown. Nice capture
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life is just a game you fly it like a plane there is no end....thunderclap nueman
07/18/06 2:57 AM GMT
Lovely landscape and the red table just tops it all off. Beautiful lush green and blues in the sky sure make it a wonderful setting. Great photo. Thanks for sharing it. Anita
0∈ [?]
Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.
07/18/06 9:03 PM GMT
OHHH NOOO>> i'm turning green.. and it's not from rolling in this grass.. i'm sooo jealous! I wanna be there toooo.. Great shot, John..
0∈ [?]
Live every day as if it's your last... and take "pictures" of it ;)
07/20/06 3:34 AM GMT
But be careful! That table....all the food is gonna slide downhill! :) I'll hold the wine...:)
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HAVE YOU THANKED YOUR CAEDES MODS LATELY? It is too easy to whine when things go wrong and too hard to thank people for the things they do for you on site: just think about it....GIVE A MOD A HUG or even a GROPE today.....just do it....:)
07/25/06 6:06 PM GMT
beautiful, clear, crisp photograph. jen
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too lazy to use capital letters and punctuation. Please Visit My Gallery
07/30/06 3:58 AM GMT
Great shot.. I love how the picnic table is out there with nothing else by it. Plus the contrast of the red and green, it makes for a lovely photo. I would love to have a picnic there. :)
0∈ [?]
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." --Dr. Seuss
08/18/06 5:34 PM GMT
he he he , i could not agree more, this table is just to inviting to not have a picknick, thanks for sharing the image here.
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