
  Nice town  

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Uploaded: 12/21/07 4:42 PM GMT
Nice town
Views: 556
Dlds: 96
Status: active

This is a picture of the town of Nice in France, it was made in the early spring morning.


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12/21/07 6:48 PM GMT
A very pretty view, and the title fits on more than one level!!

♫ :)PJ ♪

0∈ [?]
"I never looked for it, gave it no name; yet I knew it always, when the gift of peace came. I stood quite still for the moment that it lasted...Then the light shifted slightly and the moment passed, leaving me...with the lasting echo of its presence.." Diana Gabaldon
12/24/07 2:39 AM GMT
Love the title! The shot is very good and shows the city in a way I have not seen before.
0∈ [?]
12/24/07 3:14 PM GMT
That's a very "Nice" picture. Lots of color, and a great sky. Good work.
0∈ [?]
Imagine you are there
12/24/07 9:08 PM GMT
Looks like a very nice place with the city in the foreground and the mountains in the back.
0∈ [?]

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