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Uploaded: 05/31/10 1:12 AM GMT
Three Roses
Views: 2174
Dlds: 251
Status: active

Yesterday, we were at Camp Williams, waiting for our troops to arrive home from Afghanistan. I enjoy watching people - their expressions, their dress, their interplay with others around them. This is a collage of three shots - my daughter, waiting for her brother to arrive home.


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05/31/10 1:24 AM GMT
This is an incredibly sweet shot. I'm sure the wait felt too long for all of you. I thank your son for his service.
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Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. -Confucius
05/31/10 2:57 AM GMT
*¨¨* -:¦:- •:*¨¨* คฬєร๏๓є รђ๏t!!! *¨¨* -:¦:- •:*¨¨*
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every day is a gift......that's why it's called the present!!
05/31/10 3:02 AM GMT
Oh, let me tell you what...that is first class. It doesn't get any better. Great portraits and creativeness. This is a picture your family will cherish forever.
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05/31/10 3:10 AM GMT
A very nice piece of work Nathan.a very pretty daughter,an thank your son for his service to his country
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05/31/10 4:26 AM GMT

A very lovely shot Nathan!
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Susie Sun
05/31/10 10:36 AM GMT
Very nice job! Love the three different expressions you caught.
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"Hurry to meet Death before your place is taken."
05/31/10 2:04 PM GMT
Outstanding presentation,I'm giving you 10/10 for this
great capture!!!
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05/31/10 4:09 PM GMT
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Hurray Spring is Finally Here
05/31/10 4:32 PM GMT
marvelous. what an effort. of course, when it's a loved one it isn't an effort.
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AVATAR BY PJ...............i've been visiting a friend who has a "sometimes connection". so sorry for the lack of comments. i am always extremely grateful for the kind comments and suggestions that you make. Please Visit My Gallery
06/01/10 8:00 PM GMT
que bonita, mi amigo!!! Tu hija estas muy bonita!! Lol, spanish moment. It's a really gorgeous picture and your daughter is too!!

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{If You Were Here, I Wouldn't Feel So Alone}
06/02/10 8:36 PM GMT
What a GREAT, GREAT Composition Nathan!
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06/04/10 2:36 AM GMT
Nicely done Nathan. Congratulations on your son's return. Praying all is well. I especially like your handling of natural light in the images - it can go so wrong in the sun. Exposures are right on with great contrast - not to harsh. Great work. anne =D
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Tell me if you like it or don't but be sure to tell me why! I promise to always give honest and sincere (albeit gentle when necessary) critiques. MY NEW YEARS TIP for all, go have some fun with your new gear you got for Christmas. Do some things you rarely or never do. If you always shoot scenics, go shoot macros (or as close up as you can get.) Practice on different subjects, try new lighting techniques, bracket your shots (shoot the same image at different exposures and different apertures), get down low and shoot from your back, your belly, and your knees. Bend, twist, lean and climb up on things. Shoot toward the sky (carefully - blown out sunlight is NOT attractive :-) Just do something different and amaze yourself then share with us :-) Love you Caedians.
06/04/10 11:06 AM GMT
I especially like the one in the middle, she has such a sweet expression on her face and you have captured that moment so perfectly, nice collage Nathan o)

Hope all is well with your son.
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Carpe Diem!
06/05/10 11:42 PM GMT
Breathtakingly human and the story behind it makes it even better Nathan. I love the way from left to right we have your daughter's profile, then a three-fourths face profile, then a full face shot yet she is never looking at the camera. Excellent! Thank your son for me for being willing to serve and for helping to keep us free!
All the best my friend!
0∈ [?]
06/10/10 12:49 AM GMT
Glad I found this beautiful work. I hope it is framed and on a wall somewhere.
Thank you also for sharing the story beind it Nathan.
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The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
06/11/10 8:02 PM GMT
How wonderful to have such emotions showing on a photo. That's so special. I don't know how you got a three in one photo like this, wish you would post us a tutorial on it. I would love to know how to do this. This is just gorgeous. And I really like the 'bloo' on her hair. I have pink on the front of mine..hehe. Please tell her I like that touch of bloo...Verena
0∈ [?]
Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours.
06/19/10 11:38 PM GMT
An inspired and magical piece of work. I've never seen this approach used before and it's a lesson in portrait photography. Thanks for the schooling.
0∈ [?]
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. W.S.

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