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Uploaded: 02/26/07 6:01 PM GMT
Views: 852
Dlds: 156
Status: active

Another picture of the 16 day old baby elephant. In this image the calf was shoving mommy out of the way to get to the treats on the ground. Once the baby had the treat, he had no idea what to do with it! Guess it's going to be milk for a while yet!


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02/26/07 6:03 PM GMT
Another great and very cute image of the babyphant. I think, he just shoved his mom away, to be on your pic alone. A star is born. Great job!
0∈ [?]
I would be happy, seeing you in my galerie. Today I've posted Neighbors
02/26/07 6:12 PM GMT
Thanks! You are always so kind.
0∈ [?]
02/26/07 8:05 PM GMT
very nicely detailed as usual. had a quick tinker with it in PS and makes a good high contrast monotone image too. If I could suggest anything it would have been to have opened up the framing a little to include all of the baby and a bit more of its mother. another great addition to your gallery.
0∈ [?]
A smart bomb is only as clever as the idiot that tells it what to do
02/26/07 8:11 PM GMT
There is more to the image, but unfortunately I had to crop it to this size to edit out a piece of fence that ran right in front of them. :-( They were in a paddock because elephant babies have extremely poor vision at that age and scare easily. I'm told African Elephant mothers react very poorly when you scare their babies.
0∈ [?]
02/26/07 8:24 PM GMT
I think that's a cross species thing. although granted, a hormonal elephant mother is not the first choice of animal you'd want to annoy :-)
0∈ [?]
A smart bomb is only as clever as the idiot that tells it what to do
02/27/07 11:30 AM GMT
This is such a beautiful shot !! Just gave it a very well deserved 10 in the vb and came by to put it into my favs and onto my desktop..
0∈ [?]
03/05/07 10:18 PM GMT
This is just so cute! I love elephants.
Great shot.
0∈ [?]
Photographers are artists, magicians. They capture beauty so that it will last forever, and they might change it, make it something it is not. Thanks to photoshop!

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