
  IC 2118: Cederblad 41, The Witch head Nebula  

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Uploaded: 01/08/10 10:57 AM GMT
IC 2118: Cederblad 41, The Witch head Nebula
Views: 2931
Dlds: 555
Status: active

Another absolutely mesmerizing image by Robert Gendler comprised of 10 separate exposures totaling 30 hours.The beautiful starfield can only really be appreciated at full size.

A classic reflection nebula, IC 2118 lies 2 degrees northwest of the bright Class B supergiant Rigel which is thought to be the source of illumination for the nebula. The distance to IC2118 has been reported to be 700 light years away from us.

Image Credit: Robert Gendler.


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01/08/10 12:26 AM GMT
Grand colours really give this a nifty mood!!
0∈ [?]
Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round??
01/08/10 6:39 PM GMT
...And of course, I like the title! Thanks for sharing...
0∈ [?]
"WHAT ARE YOU THINKIN'?" - Dr. Phil McGraw Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
01/10/10 7:41 PM GMT
Have to agree with you on the beauty of the image. Fantastic colours.
0∈ [?]
In order to discover who you are, first learn who everybody else is; you're what's left.
01/11/10 6:44 AM GMT
love the colours here, great photo
0∈ [?]
thanks for sharing
01/11/10 6:52 AM GMT
Great detail and cool colours and a thorough sense of wonder evoked.
0∈ [?]
Legitimate leadership flows from love. Anything less is violence incognito.

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