
  Atlantis one last flight...  

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Uploaded: 05/17/10 9:26 AM GMT
Atlantis one last flight...
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Status: active

As the Atlantis launch heralds the imminent end of the Shuttle program and, for that matter, the American manned spaceflight program, NASA’s Kennedy Media Center crew have pulled off some absolutely astonishing launch shots to give the retiring orbiter a fitting send off.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL


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05/17/10 11:16 AM GMT
Interesting "stalker POV" in this shot. I'm wondering if excluding the lower third of the frame might be effective, if only in an aesthetic sense. A very Caedesian image.
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05/17/10 5:18 PM GMT
Oh this is an outstanding photo. I love how it's taken thru the shrubs and grasses, giving this photo a real sense of 'reality' of nature, and yet there is the totally awesome power of the rocketship! I like that very much. This is a very sentimental shot too. I really appreciate you posting this!! Verena
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The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
05/17/10 7:25 PM GMT
Fabulous photo,Phil..and so Beautiful.
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05/18/10 5:19 AM GMT
So sad the program is ending...thank you for bringing me the final images Phil......
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