
  End of a Long Day  

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Uploaded: 04/03/15 7:44 AM GMT
End of a Long Day
Views: 1785
Dlds: 573
Status: active

"He then packed up his briefcase and started for home."

End Scene.

Film Credits:

Producer/Director: purmusic

Actor/Dejected Business Person: DaVinciS (

Set Design: Apophysis 7x.15c

Craft services: PC Black Label Stem Ginger All Butter Shortbread Thins

..//.\\. All comments welcomed.. feel free to share your thoughts; good, bad, ugly and/or indifferent. .//.\\..


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04/03/15 8:13 AM GMT
The faceless figure with tie and briefcase speaks volumes to me Les, I've never sat in an office but have done work that's been farmed out to China or become obsolete. I wonder when computer software will replace the 9-5er?
2∈ [?]
04/03/15 9:03 AM GMT
Interestingly, Phil.. even when it comes to software.. code for is now and has been automated to an extent.

And you provided some food for thought on any other number of possible titles I could have affixed to this piece;


And and..

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and taking the time to comment, muchly appreciated.
0∈ [?]
04/03/15 2:24 PM GMT
This sure speaks volumes in a very creative way! Les, this is another one for my faves. It shows your creative mind, and editing skill. tigs=^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
04/03/15 2:34 PM GMT
Thanks, Tigs.

You're kind with your appraisal on the editing front.

Not the most uplifting image.. but, the pieces came together in my pea brain and I went with the creative flow.

However.. a reaction is a good good thing?
0∈ [?]
04/03/15 2:41 PM GMT
Well whaddya' know, another good idea...and I too can relate to this...trudging home after another long boring day at a dead-end job...and those boxes reminiscent of the little cubicles they section off in some offices...creative and well crafted, also like the 3D aspect...faved.
2∈ [?]
04/03/15 2:45 PM GMT
(*adds 'post more'.. to list of things to do*)

Thanks, Pat.

Appreciate not only your astute observations (as always) and interpretation.. but, the fav, too. :o)
0∈ [?]
04/03/15 7:36 PM GMT
"He then packed up his briefcase and started for home." ...... for sure this is you Les leaving the Bank after you found out the that the 1000 creds fractal money deposited was lost because the Bank went bust ........Big always Les great work.

2∈ [?]
The reason why the sun sets in the evening is because it wants to see the sunrise in the morning. I rise in the morning because I want to see them both. RvdB
04/03/15 9:14 PM GMT
But.. the bank got bailed out by the government!


... ...

I think?

Thanks again, Rob.

Appreciate the chuckles and you taking the time to stop by to place some words. :o)

p.s. You are not in need of a new toaster are you? Got it when I first opened up my account.. it's a spare, so, no worries if you do want it. It's yours.. just say the word. ;o)
0∈ [?]
04/04/15 7:11 AM GMT
I'll come back to comment on "End of a Long Day" when I've got what I think about it sorted out - that won't be easy for cubes leading to honeycombs (in just one line), but I'll look to do it.

Later on:

The yellow geometric shapes lead me to thoughts honeycombs and drones (an occasionally used appellation for 'office worker', usually expressing drab, and all but useless'), but honey...! life-giving, containing (at least one) antibiotic, elemental to pollination, and a basic social organization - the graphic could be seen as representing a numbing 'reality', or as an invitation to lift one's eyes and see.
4∈ [?]
04/04/15 12:27 AM GMT
I'm thinking.. honeycombs and worker bees? Fits the creative narrative, anyways.

Will wait for the rest of your thoughts, Alan. No worries.
0∈ [?]
04/05/15 4:30 PM GMT
I like this a lot. It reflects the modern world -- clean and shiny minimalism, with a faceless worker as the main cog / focal point. He's an individual but is not seen as such, and has possibly forgotten how he used to feel different.

The boxes can be seen in various ways... as honey cells in a hive, or as filing boxes (and related office politics). Where is yours? Somewhere at the back, most likely, without a label! Or they're the abstract 'boxes' that people are put in, or little office cubicles with partitions.

My father took a bag just like that to the office, but it was brown...

More please. :-)
3∈ [?]
04/05/15 5:05 PM GMT
Not much to add, to your above, Sandra.. other than..

Thank you.


Hopefully soon? (On the note of adding some more stuff.. have a number that need a lil' more creative T.L.C..)

Appreciate the nudge, interpretation and.. but, of course.. the kind appraisal.
0∈ [?]
04/06/15 12:43 AM GMT
Poor guy looks a little downtrodden after a long day at the office...and no wonder if he was cooped up in one of those cubicles for eight hours. That would be enough to depress anybody! I hope he has something nice when he gets a tall glass of root beer and a few of those shortbread thins.....A very well put together image, Les. I think I will use this as my wallpaper tomorrow. It will remind me of what I am not missing in retirement. lol.
3∈ [?]
04/06/15 8:20 PM GMT
Hear, hear.. on not missing out on anything, Jim.

And thanks very much for taking the time to share your thoughts and words.
Muchly appreciated. :o)

0∈ [?]
04/07/15 8:14 AM GMT
Ah a slightly geometrical image. I love 'simple' fractals like this. Works perfect with the ol' cubicle-blandness theme.

I dig. Keep em' comin.

Edit: Knew it reminded me of somethin (Portal 2)
3∈ [?]
04/07/15 9:07 AM GMT
Methinks that guy needs to get another job if you go home like that every day....not good good!!

But....I do like the composition, the way he is walking with his head down after a hard day of work in that honeycomb of tax declarations ;o)
3∈ [?]
Carpe Diem!
04/10/15 11:49 PM GMT
Escaping from the maze of office cubicles and the insanity of the day. Good one.
2∈ [?]
02/22/17 1:37 AM GMT
I forgot how much I liked this one! lol
4∈ [?]
02/24/17 2:55 AM GMT
Awww.. shucks.

Thank you, Connie. Not sure that I've ever had someone come back and place two comments on an image of mine before.

Appreciate you taking the time to do so and the kind words.. a -gain. ;o)
0∈ [?]
02/25/17 11:29 AM GMT
(Led here by Connie). I remember this one. But I didn't remember the ginger shortbread. There you were, just the other day, claiming you weren't fond of ginger... and all the time you were using it as fuel for creative endeavours.

I think you must have run out of it, though, judging by your lack of wallpapers recently. Maybe one of those thins would work instead of a video card?
2∈ [?]
02/26/17 5:17 AM GMT
The combo of shortbread and ginger.. is important.

And it's pretty subtle in these, btw.. just "a touch of zing from delectable candied Australian stem ginger".

Heck.. anything that has shortbread as it's base/building block.. would seldom be rejected by moi.

And.. that's my story and am sticking with!


... ...

Re: Video card.

If only it were that easy..


... ...

Thanks for stopping by, Sandra. Appreciate you taking the time to do so. :o)
0∈ [?]

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